HMO Register 2018
Dear East Hampshire District Council,
"I searched on your website and couldn't find a copy of your 2018 HMO Licence Register as prescribed under the Housing Act 2004 s.232 (1) and the information that is required to be maintained within the register is described in the The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006.
The latter is extracted here for convenience:
Registers of Licences
11.—(1) The following particulars are prescribed for each entry in a register established and maintained under section 232(1)(a) of the Actin respect of a licence granted under Part 2 (HMOs) or 3 (selective licensing) of the Act which is in force—
(a) HMO Property Address
(b) HMO Licence Holder(s) Full Name
(c) HMO Licence Holders Correspondence Address
(d) HMO Managers Name
(e) HMO Managers Address
(f) A short description of the licensed HMO or house;
(g) A summary of the conditions of the licence;
(h) Date of Licence Commencement
(I) Date of Licence Expiry
(j) Duration of Licence
(k) Licence Number
(l) Number of Households
(m) Maximum Number of Occupants
(n) Number of Units/Bedrooms
(o) Number of Self Contained Units
(p) Number of Non Self Contained Units
(q) Number of Storeys
(r) Number of Kitchens
(s) Number of Reception
(t) Number of Bathrooms
(u) Number of Separate WCs
A reply using Excel format would be very helpful.
Thanks very much in advance."
Yours faithfully,
Mr wallace
Dear Mr Wallace
Please DO NOT reply to this email as it was sent from an unattended
Request for information received on 09/10/2018 15:00.
Reference number FOI-002755
Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004
and will be answered within 20 working days of receipt of the information
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Please see email attached dated 09/10/18.
East Hampshire District Council
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Dear Mr Wallace
This is the outcome of your FOI/EIR request:
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act
Response by East Hampshire District Council:
We do not currently have any licensed HMOs in our area, therefore we do
not have a public register.
I hope that this answers your enquiry, but if not you should first contact
the EHDC Information Governance Officer to see if they can resolve any
concerns you may have with the response.
If you have any complaints in respect of you request for information,
please write to the Complaints Monitoring Officer at Penns Place,
Petersfield, Hants, GU31 4EX or email us at:
[1][email address]
If your complaint is not resolved to your complete satisfaction, you have
the right to apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner
Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AE.
Yours sincerely,
Heather Malcherczyk
Service Support Supervisor, Environmental Health
East Hampshire District Council
Penns Place, Petersfield GU31 4EX
Direct Tel: 01730 234304
If you are requesting information from East Hampshire District Council
under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information
Regulations, you can submit and track your request online through a My
East Hampshire District Council account. Go to
[3] to get started.
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Dear Mr Wallace
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specific details.
If you do not receive this information within 24 hours and you have
checked your junk email folder, please contact the council at:
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East Hampshire District Council
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