We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Adaeze Ejike please sign in and let everyone know.


We're waiting for Adaeze Ejike to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Hertfordshire County Council,
I do hope you are doing well.
For market research purposes, could you please send me an updated Excel spreadsheet list of the properties currently registered as HMO in Hertfordshire County?

Please can you provide the following details in Excel format:
1. Addresses of all Registered Residential HMO properties that are
within your councils area,
2. The number of bedrooms in the property,
3. The maximum number of occupants that each property referred to is licensed to hold,
4. The last actual registered number of occupants that each
property referred to holds,
5. The date each of the properties was first registered as
6. The names of the owners/licence holders of those properties
referred to in (1)
7. The correspondence address of the owners/licence holders OR the registered
"licence holder address" of the owners referred to
8. The expiry date of the HMO licence of the property

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Adaeze Ejike

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

4 Attachments

Dear Adaeze Ejike


Reference number: FOI/RAP/10/21/21554


On  12^th October 2021 Hertfordshire County Council received the following
request for information from you:


“For market research purposes, could you please send me an updated Excel
spreadsheet list of the properties currently registered as HMO in
Hertfordshire County?


Please can you provide the following details in Excel format:

1.  Addresses of all Registered Residential HMO properties that are within
your councils area,

2.  The number of bedrooms in the property,

3.  The maximum number of occupants that each property referred to is
licensed to hold,

4.  The last actual registered number of occupants that each property
referred to  holds,

5.  The date each of the properties was first registered as HMO,

6. The names of the owners/licence holders of those properties referred to
in (1)

7. The correspondence address of the owners/licence holders OR the
registered "licence holder address" of the owners referred to

8. The expiry date of the HMO licence of the property”


Your request for information has been considered under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.  I can confirm that Hertfordshire County Council
does not hold the information you have requested.  This matter is the
responsibility of the district and borough councils, contact details for
which can be found at


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting
the reference number on this letter. To find out more about Freedom of
Information, please visit


If you are unhappy with the way the County Council has handled your
request for information you may request an internal review of the request.
This will be carried out by a member of the County Council Legal Services
Team, who has had no prior involvement with the request. Requests for an
internal review should be sent to the Information Governance Unit at the
address above.


If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review you are
entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to investigate your
complaint. You should write to: FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution, Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Yours sincerely,



Vicky Hooper
Information Access Practitioner
Information Access Team
Hertfordshire County Council  
216A County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DE, Postal Point:
[3][IMG] T: 01992 555848 (Internal: 25848)
E: [Hertfordshire County Council request email]

[4]Hertfordshire County Council Facebook[5]Hertfordshire County
Council Twitter[6]Hertfordshire County Council email updates

I work Monday – Thursday 9.00 – 15.00




The information in this message should be regarded as confidential and is
intended for the addressee only unless explicitly stated. If you have
received this message in error it must be deleted and the sender notified.
The views expressed in this message are personal and not necessarily those
of Hertfordshire County Council unless explicitly stated. Please be aware
that emails sent to or received from Hertfordshire County Council may be
intercepted and read by the council. Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or deter crime, or for the purposes of essential
maintenance or support of the email system.


Visible links
1. http://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/your-cou...
2. http://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/your-cou...
3. https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/home.aspx
4. https://www.facebook.com/hertscountycoun...
5. http://www.twitter.com/hertscc
6. https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/statweb...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Adaeze Ejike please sign in and let everyone know.