History Tripos Part II Examiners Report 2023/24 + HP Examiners Report 2023/24
Dear University of Cambridge,
I would like to inquire whether it is possible to receive the examiners report for the last set of part II tripos exams in both History and History and Politics.
Yours faithfully,
Paula Reece
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your
reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will
respond on or before 9 January 2025.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [1][University of Cambridge request email]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]
Dear University of Cambridge,
Reference: FOI-2024-1149
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University of Cambridge's handling of my FOI request 'History Tripos Part II Examiners Report 2023/24 + HP Examiners Report 2023/24'.
I am writing in response to your letter dated 09/01/2025, in which you refused my request for the examiners’ report for the last set of Part II Tripos exams in both History and History and Politics.
I respectfully request an internal review of the decision to withhold the requested information under section 43(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which you cited as the reason for refusal. While I understand that some information might be deemed sensitive in relation to examination content and design, I believe the public interest in the transparency of examination processes, including quality assurance and feedback, should be carefully reconsidered.
In particular, I would like to challenge whether the need to protect the proprietary aspects of the reports outweighs the public interest in ensuring accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement in the University’s examination practices.
Given the importance of maintaining trust in academic standards, I believe it is reasonable for the public to have access to reports that assess the quality and integrity of exams, especially where no specific sensitive content is disclosed. I would therefore appreciate it if you could reconsider the application of section 43(1) and weigh the factors involved, taking into account the potential benefits of disclosure to academic and public interests.
While I appreciate the need to safeguard current academic practices, I believe that the reports in question can be classified as historical documents, rather than as materials containing sensitive or proprietary information that would justify withholding them under the Act.
The Freedom of Information Act explicitly allows for access to historical documents, and I would argue that examiners’ reports, particularly those concerning past exams, should be considered historical records. These documents reflect on the academic practices and standards of the University at a particular point in time and, as such, hold significant value for transparency and historical research. The fact that they relate to exams which have already taken place, and that they are used for review and reflection rather than ongoing design or implementation, makes it less likely that their release would have any adverse impact on the University’s academic processes or commercial interests.
If the information cannot be fully disclosed, I would be grateful if you could consider whether an edited version could be released that removes any proprietary or commercially sensitive content.
Thank you for your time and attention to this request. I look forwatrd to your response.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/h...
Yours faithfully,
Paula Reece
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for a review of our
handling of request number FOI-2024-1149. We will respond on or before 6
February 2025.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [1][University of Cambridge request email]
Further to your request for a review, please find attached the
University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [1][University of Cambridge request email]
From: FOI <[University of Cambridge request email]>
Sent: 09 January 2025 16:27
To: Paula Reece <[FOI #1211703 email]>
Subject: FOI-2024-1149 (Reece) Review
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for a review of our
handling of request number FOI-2024-1149. We will respond on or before 6
February 2025.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [2][University of Cambridge request email]
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