Requests similar to 'High Table costs'

  Dear [Name Removed]    Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.    Please find the reply below.    Yours sincerely,  Robert...
Dear Mr H. Brown Thank you for your email. Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely,   Robert Hopwood     RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and F...
Grace on fossil fuels
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Sam Greenwood on .

Information not held

Dear Sam Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely, Robert Hopwood RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and Fellow Murray Edwar...
V100 and VR18 admission
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to jack Kong on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jack Thank you for your email. Please would you be able to clarify that you would like figures for both the V100 and VR18 courses. The questions...
Land access
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Emma Groll on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Emma Groll  Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Sincere apologies if you have already received this, there have been some staff...
Dear Esther Knowles Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely, Robert Hopwood   RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and Fello...
Dear Sam    Thank you for your email    Please find the reply below.       Yours sincerely,     Robert Hopwood        RJ Hopwoo...
HSPS and History applications in the 2024 cycle
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Mariam Wegiel on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mariam Weigel For applicants to Murray Edwards College, both direct and open applications assigned to the college are considered. There is no pre...
Dear Mariam Wegiel Thank you for your email. I am afraid we are unable to answer your Freedom of Information request at this stage, as the 2024 a...
Staff and payment details
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Max Long on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Long Please can I refer you to the previous response in terms of the exemptions. Several of the requests relate to individual contracts which...
Dear Eve Semat,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.    Please find the reply below.    Yours sincerely,    Robert Hopw...
Dear H Brown Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely,   Robert Hopwood     RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar...
'Keeping term' enforcement at Murray Edwards
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Esther Knowles on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Esther Knowles Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely, Robert Hopwood RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and Fellow...
Living wage practices
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to H. Brown on .


Dear H. Brown Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely,   Robert Hopwood     RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and F...
Dear E Evans Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find attached the information pack to seek to elect a new President. Yours...
Dear Mr H. Brown Thank you for your email Please find the reply below. Yours sincerely,   Robert Hopwood     RJ Hopwood MBA FCCA Bursar and F...
Cost of student accommodation
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Alex Clark on .

Partially successful

Dear Alex Clark    Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.    Please find the reply below.    Yours sincerely,    Robert Hop...
Dear Daisy Thomas,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.    Please find the reply below.    Yours sincerely,    Robert H...
Dear Ginny    Thank you for your email    Please find the reply below.       Yours sincerely,     Robert Hopwood        RJ Hopw...
Dear Sarah Woolley Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. The College does not hold any shares in these companies or types of companies d...
Affirming LGBT Care for Students
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Mr Stephens on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Stephens    Thank you for your email    Please find the reply below.       Yours sincerely,     Robert Hopwood        R...
Agricultural land owned by College
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Kate Winters on .

Information not held

Dear SOS-UK    Thank you for your email    Please find the reply below.       Yours sincerely,     Robert Hopwood        RJ Hop...
Formal Dinners
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Jake Hurfurt on .

Information not held

Dear Jake Hurfurt   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.   In order to answer this request, please clarify how to interpret ‘form...
Dear Mr Igbal   Our responses to your Freedom of Information request - Maternity provision for fixed-term post-doctoral researchers is as follows:...
Response by Murray Edwards College, Cambridge to Jenna Corderoy on .

Awaiting classification

  Dear Jenna Corderoy Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.  Please find the reply below.   Yours sincerely, Robert Hopwood...