High secure services contract and guidance

Halush Brinton made this Freedom of Information request to NHS England Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, NHS England should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear NHS England,

Please provide access to copies of your current and also previous High secure services contract and guidance dating back to 2018.

*note that a similar statutory information request was communicated to NHS England on 13 02 2023 and an insufficient response was issued - the requested submitted application for internal review however this was ignored;

*note that the information sought is not published on the NHS website;

*note further that UK Gov has published DHSC Policy paper NHS Standard Contracts for 2012/13 which specifically refers to specific NHS Contracts for High Secure Care.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Halush Brinton, 

NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Freedom
of Information (FOI) Act 2000. Your request is being dealt with under the
terms of the FOI Act and will be answered within twenty working days. Your
reference number is FOI-2408-2132266.

For further information regarding the FOI Act, please refer to the website
of the [1]Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For further information
regarding NHS England, and the information we publish, please visit [2]our

If you have any queries about this request or wish to contact us again,
please email [3][NHS England request email] and the message will be
forwarded appropriately. Please remember to quote the above reference
number in any future communications.

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information

NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT

Tel: 0300 311 22 33
Email: [4][NHS England request email] 

show quoted sections


Dear Halush Brinton,

We refer to your email of 19 August 2024 in which you requested
information under the Freedom of Information Act from NHS England.

Your request

You made the following request:

Please provide access to copies of your current and also previous High
secure services contract and guidance dating back to 2018.

*note further that UK Gov has published DHSC Policy paper NHS Standard
Contracts for 2012/13 which specifically refers to specific NHS Contracts
for High Secure Care.


NHS England holds the information you have requested and has decided to
release all of the information that it holds.

Please see the following links to the NHS Standard Contract Particulars,
Service Conditions and General Conditions which are applicable to all
providers of NHS services in England (including High Secure) between 1
April 2024 and 31 March 2025.

• [1]Full length Particulars
• [2]Full length Service Conditions
• [3]Full length General Conditions

The Service Conditions and General Conditions of the NHS Standard Contract
do not need to be exchanged between parties as part of their local
agreement. Rather, the Service Conditions and General Conditions will be
incorporated into, and will apply automatically as part of, each local
contract by reference only.  The only element of the Contract exchanged
between the parties locally will be the Particulars, which set out the
locally agreed elements as follows

• Service Commencement
• The Services
• Payments
• Local Quality Requirements
• Governance
• Contract Management; Reporting Requirements.

For previous versions, please see the below link:

[4]NHS England » NHS Standard Contract

Please note in the above that the '2018' version was updated several times
and so became the '2017/19' contract, but thereafter it is one version per


NHS England operates under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL).
Terms and conditions can be found on the following link:


Review rights
If you consider that your request for information has not been properly
handled or if you are otherwise dissatisfied with the outcome of your
request, you may seek an internal review within NHS England of the issue
or the decision. A senior member of NHS England’s staff, who has not
previously been involved with your request, will undertake that review.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of any internal review, you may
complain to the Information Commissioner for a decision on whether your
request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the FOI

A request for an internal review should be submitted in writing to:

[6][NHS England request email]

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information

NHS England

show quoted sections


Thank you for this update, however the links provided do not work

Yours sincerely,

Halush Brinton