High carbon infrastructure planning

Bromsgrove District Council did not have the information requested.

Climate Emergency UK

Dear Bromsgrove District Council,

Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.

I would like information about your council’s planning in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information is most likely to be held by a planning officer or similar.

In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:

a. Has the Council approved any new*1 or expanded*2 roads or road junctions in its area from 1st January 2019 until 1st January 2023? Please list which ones were accepted.
*1 The intention of this question is to understand overall increases in road capacity, rather than recent housing developments. Please exclude minor roads built exclusively to connect new housing to the pre-existing road network.
*2 An expanded road or road junction is one that has increased capacity for motor vehicle traffic, not counting bus lanes, cycle infrastructure, or pedestrian infrastructure. Please include roads and junctions where new lanes have been added.

b. Has the council approved any new or expanded airport runways, terminals, measures to increase passenger numbers or other planning proposals that expand airport capacity in its area since 1st January 2019 until 1st January 2023? Please list which ones were accepted.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK

foi BDC, Bromsgrove District Council

3 Attachments

Our Reference: 10003


Dear Hannah,


Thank you for your request for information. 


I am writing to inform you that the information you requested is not held
(re High carbon infrastructure planning), as Bromsgrove District Council
is not responsible for highways in the district, and so Section 12(4)(a) –
Not Held - of EIR regulations applies.


However it is possible that Worcestershire County Council may hold some or
all of the information you require. They can be contacted at:  


If you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, you
have the right to request an internal review. 


If you are still dissatisfied following a review by the Council, you have
the right to complain to the Information Commissioner. You can contact the
Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone 0303 123 1113


For information on how we keep your information, please refer to our
privacy notices for Bromsgrove District Council:

[3]FOI/EIR Privacy Notice - bromsgrove.gov.uk

…and Redditch Borough Council:

[4]FOI/EIR request Privacy Notice - redditchbc.gov.uk


Privacy Notice


The Council collects information, including personal information that you
provide about yourself and others, when you make a submission in relation
to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.


The Council collects this information for the purpose of dealing with your
submission under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and in accordance
with the legislation, a request made under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 is not a valid request unless it is in writing and includes the
following information:


• Enough of your real name to give anyone reading your request, a
reasonable indication of your identity.
• Where you are an agent working on behalf of someone else, the other
party will be interpreted as being the requestor therefore their
details are required.
• Valid address for correspondence (including postal or email).
• A description of the information you require, which may include
details of someone else.


The term ‘in writing’ covers requests submitted by letter and electronic
form, including those sent via the internet through social networking
sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Where a social media site is used to
submit a request, the real name may be visible within the user profile. If
you make the request public by publishing it on a website, as opposed to
sending a private message to the authority’s account, then we will
consider it within the requester’s reasonable expectations that the
authority will also publish its response on the site. 


Under FOI legislation, we have to maintain a log of requests. This
information is retained for 6 years.  All other information associated
with your request, such as the request, our acknowledgement, consultation
with the department involved, and our subsequent response to you is
retained for 2 years.


The council will not disclose your personal information to external
entities. We will also take steps to limit the amount of personal
information about you, is disclosed as part of any consultation process
regarding your request.


If you do not provide the appropriate details required under the
legislation, the information cannot be provided.  Other rights are not
affected.  These can be found [5]here.


This information will not be shared/sold to any other service/organisation
unless we have a duty to do so under law. This data will not be
transferred outside of the UK.


No decisions around this data are made by automated means.



Nicola Brothwell (She/her)

Information Support Officer, Business Development

Bromsgrove District & Redditch Borough Councils


Mon - Information Management all day

Tues – Info Mgmt 9-1, Legal 1:30 – 5

Wed – Legal all day

Thurs - Info Mgmt 9-1, Legal 1:30 – 5

Fri - Info Mgmt 9-1, Legal 1:30 – 5

Tel: 01527 881661

Email: [6][email address]

Bromsgrove District Council Redditch Borough Council

Parkside Town Hall

Market Street, Walter Stranz Square

Bromsgrove, Redditch

Worcestershire Worcestershire

B61 8DA B98 8AH


[7]www.bromsgrove.gov.uk [8]www.redditchbc.gov.uk

View our privacy and fair processing notices –













Visible links
1. http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/cms/inf...
2. https://ico.org.uk/
3. https://www.bromsgrove.gov.uk/council/co...
4. https://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/council/co...
5. http://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/council/cor...
6. mailto:[email address]
7. http://www.bromsgrove.gov.uk/
8. http://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/
9. http://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/council/cor...
10. http://www.bromsgrove.gov.uk/council/cor...