High carbon infrastructure planning
Dear Brentwood Borough Council,
Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.
I would like information about your council’s planning in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information is most likely to be held by a planning officer or similar.
In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:
a. Has the Council approved any new*1 or expanded*2 roads or road junctions in its area from 1st January 2019 until 1st January 2023? Please list which ones were accepted.
*1 The intention of this question is to understand overall increases in road capacity, rather than recent housing developments. Please exclude minor roads built exclusively to connect new housing to the pre-existing road network.
*2 An expanded road or road junction is one that has increased capacity for motor vehicle traffic, not counting bus lanes, cycle infrastructure, or pedestrian infrastructure. Please include roads and junctions where new lanes have been added.
b. Has the council approved any new or expanded airport runways, terminals, measures to increase passenger numbers or other planning proposals that expand airport capacity in its area since 1st January 2019 until 1st January 2023? Please list which ones were accepted.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK
Thank you for your request.
This has been passed onto the appropriate FOI officer and your request
will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Find out more about [1]cost of living support
[2]Cost of Living
Brentwood Borough Council, Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex. CM15
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go to www.brentwood.gov.uk/privacy.
Visible links
1. https://www.brentwood.gov.uk/cost-of-liv...
2. https://www.brentwood.gov.uk/cost-of-liv...
Thank you for your FOI request.
I can advise you that the information you require is held by Essex County Council and not Brentwood Borough Council.
Freedom of Information requests for Essex County Council can be sent to:
Your Right to Know
Information Sharing Information Security Po Box 11 County Hall Market Road
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