Heart Failure Service Information
Dear Sir / Madam
We are conducting a project which involves mapping heart failure services across the NHS and this request for information regarding the services provided by your organisation is an important part of this.
I would be grateful if you could please answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of your Heart Failure Service?
2. Population served by the Heart Failure Service?
3. What is the service setting?
a) Acute hospital
b) Community hospital
c) Integrated care
d) Primary care
4. Approximate case load of Heart Failure patients seen per week?
5. Number of follow ups in 2021/22?
6. Which populations do you provide the following services for and are you commissioned for these services?
a) Heart Failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFrEF)
b) Heart Failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFpEF)
7. Staff dedicated to Heart Failure:
a) Number of Heart Failure consultants (pa's)
b) Number of Heart Failure nurses (WTE)
c) Number of Heart Failure Pharmacists (WTE)
8. Which of these (a to g) does your NHS organisation have?
a) Access to open access ECHO
b) Access to Cardiac rehab?
c) HF Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT)
d) Cardiologist Non HF specialist
e) Cardiologist HF specialist
f) Cardiology Pharmacist
g) GPwER (previously called GPwSI)
9. Which of the following (h to n) service models do you provide?
h) Acute inpatient
i) HF outpatient
j) Hospital based ambulatory heart failure unit
k) Community based ambulatory heart failure unit
l) Home based service / care
m) Community based clinic
n) Heart Failure virtual ward
10. Do you believe that the current service specification adequately reflects the range and volume of activity your service provides? (Yes / No)
Many thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Niklas Marksteiner
Dear Niklas
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was
received on 27^th April 2022 and we are treating it under Section 1.1 of
the Act.
We have 20 working days to respond to your request from the day after we
received your email into the Trust and will do so by 26^th May 2022.
Your request reference number is RFI 009838.
If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at
[1][Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust request email]
Your request for information may be subject to significant delays as our
resources are considerably reduced due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
We do remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as
soon as we are able.
Kind regards
Joanne Sturdy
Information Governance Officer
Department for Information Governance, Caldicott & SIRO Support
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114 226 5151
email: [2][email address]
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From: Niklas Marksteiner <[3][FOI #857423 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 2:25:43 PM (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh,
Lisbon, London
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Heart Failure Service
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Dear Sir / Madam
We are conducting a project which involves mapping heart failure services
across the NHS and this request for information regarding the services
provided by your organisation is an important part of this.
I would be grateful if you could please answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of your Heart Failure Service?
2. Population served by the Heart Failure Service?
3. What is the service setting?
a) Acute hospital
b) Community hospital
c) Integrated care
d) Primary care
4. Approximate case load of Heart Failure patients seen per week?
5. Number of follow ups in 2021/22?
6. Which populations do you provide the following services for and are you
commissioned for these services?
a) Heart Failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFrEF)
b) Heart Failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFpEF)
7. Staff dedicated to Heart Failure:
a) Number of Heart Failure consultants (pa's)
b) Number of Heart Failure nurses (WTE)
c) Number of Heart Failure Pharmacists (WTE)
8. Which of these (a to g) does your NHS organisation have?
a) Access to open access ECHO
b) Access to Cardiac rehab?
c) HF Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT)
d) Cardiologist Non HF specialist
e) Cardiologist HF specialist
f) Cardiology Pharmacist
g) GPwER (previously called GPwSI)
9. Which of the following (h to n) service models do you provide?
h) Acute inpatient
i) HF outpatient
j) Hospital based ambulatory heart failure unit
k) Community based ambulatory heart failure unit
l) Home based service / care
m) Community based clinic
n) Heart Failure virtual ward
10. Do you believe that the current service specification adequately
reflects the range and volume of activity your service provides? (Yes /
Many thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Niklas Marksteiner
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #857423 email]
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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Niklas
Please find enclosed herewith our response to your request for
information, made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind regards
Amy Cooper
Information Governance Officer
Department for Information Governance, Caldicott & SIRO Support
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114 226 5161
email: [1][email address]
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this e-mail may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Unless the information is legally exempt from
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guaranteed. If you have received this message in error, please notify me
and remove it from your system".
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