Heart Failure Service Information
Dear Sir / Madam
We are conducting a project which involves mapping heart failure services across the NHS and this request for information regarding the services provided by your organisation is an important part of this.
I would be grateful if you could please answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of your Heart Failure Service?
2. Population served by the Heart Failure Service?
3. What is the service setting?
a) Acute hospital
b) Community hospital
c) Integrated care
d) Primary care
4. Approximate case load of Heart Failure patients seen per week?
5. Number of follow ups in 2021/22?
6. Which populations do you provide the following services for and are you commissioned for these services?
a) Heart Failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFrEF)
b) Heart Failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFpEF)
7. Staff dedicated to Heart Failure:
a) Number of Heart Failure consultants (pa's)
b) Number of Heart Failure nurses (WTE)
c) Number of Heart Failure Pharmacists (WTE)
8. Which of these (a to g) does your NHS organisation have?
a) Access to open access ECHO
b) Access to Cardiac rehab?
c) HF Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT)
d) Cardiologist Non HF specialist
e) Cardiologist HF specialist
f) Cardiology Pharmacist
g) GPwER (previously called GPwSI)
9. Which of the following (h to n) service models do you provide?
h) Acute inpatient
i) HF outpatient
j) Hospital based ambulatory heart failure unit
k) Community based ambulatory heart failure unit
l) Home based service / care
m) Community based clinic
n) Heart Failure virtual ward
10. Do you believe that the current service specification adequately reflects the range and volume of activity your service provides? (Yes / No)
Many thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Niklas Marksteiner
Dear Niklas,
Thank you for your email dated 29/04/2022. Your request is being managed
as a new request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days as per the
statutory time limit and you should receive a response by 30/05/2022.
However, this may take longer where certain exemptions apply or depending
on the nature of your request. We will let you know in advance if we need
more time to complete your request.
We are making every effort to respond to all FOI requests within the
statutory time frame, however, please note that due to the pandemic we are
currently experiencing delays due to staff shortages / reduced capacity as
our resources are being prioritised to support our frontline medical
Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to
contact us at this address. Please remember to quote the reference number
above in any future communications.
For further information about the Freedom of Information Act, please visit
Kind regards,
Paul Bransgrove
Information Governance Office
E: [Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust request email]
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust | Bracken House | Bracton Lane | Leyton Cross
Road | Dartford | Kent | DA2 7AF
Dear Niklas,
Please find attached our response to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 referenced FOI 8132.
Kind regards,
Paul Bransgrove
Information Governance Officer
Email: [1][Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust request email]
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust / Bracken House / Bracton Lane / Leyton Cross
Road/ Dartford, Kent / DA2 7AF
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