Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities)
Dear London Councils,
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract/s below.
Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities). To include contracts related to health visiting, school nursing, family nurse partnership, inoculations, special schools nursing, public health. Where there is more than one contract/service area, please provide a response for each.
1. What is the current contract length (start date and end date)?
2. What is the contract value?
3. Who is the current supplier?
4. Is there an extension clause? If so, what is the duration of the extension and when would the first extension take effect if the clause was applied?
5. Has a decision been made yet as to whether the contract is being extended or renewed?
6. Please provide a copy of the full Invitation to Tender (ITT) published when the contract was last advertised.
7. What are the contractual Key Performance Indicators?
8. Are the contractual Key Performance Indicators being met by the incumbent service supplier? (yes/no/partially)
9. Is any of the provision delivered on line/digitally/virtually? If so please provide details as to the nature of the provision/product , if there is a paywall and if any licences are applicable.
10. Please provide a list of the suppliers who applied and who were successful and not successful at PQQ and ITT stages.
11. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract?
Yours faithfully,
Miss Stokes
Dear Miss Stokes,
Thanks for your email and request for information.
I am writing to confirm that the information you have requested is not held by London Councils. London Councils is not a local authority but is a cross-party organisation representing London’s 32 borough councils and the City of London. We are committed to fighting for more resources for the capital and getting the best possible deal for London's 33 local authorities. We lobby government and others, develop policy and run a range of services designed to make life better for Londoners. Further information about London Councils and the work that we do can be found on our website:
I suggest that you contact individual local authorities to request this information. Contact details for all London local authorities are available on the London Councils website through the London Government Directory:
If you wish to make a complaint about the way we have handled your enquiry, please make your complaint in writing to [email address] If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can write to the Information Commissioner:
Yours sincerely
David Dent
Principal Corporate Governance Officer
[email address]
London Councils
59½ Southwark Street
London SE1 0AL
Tel: 020 7934 9753
Fax: 020 7934 9990
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London Councils represents all 32 London boroughs and the City of London
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