Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities)

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority did not have the information requested.

Dear Liverpool City Region Combined Authority,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract/s below.

Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities). To include contracts related to health visiting, school nursing, family nurse partnership, inoculations, special schools nursing, public health. Where there is more than one contract/service area, please provide a response for each.

1. What is the current contract length (start date and end date)?

2. What is the contract value?

3. Who is the current supplier?

4. Is there an extension clause? If so, what is the duration of the extension and when would the first extension take effect if the clause was applied?

5. Has a decision been made yet as to whether the contract is being extended or renewed?

6. Please provide a copy of the full Invitation to Tender (ITT) published when the contract was last advertised.

7. What are the contractual Key Performance Indicators?

8. Are the contractual Key Performance Indicators being met by the incumbent service supplier? (yes/no/partially)

9. Is any of the provision delivered on line/digitally/virtually? If so please provide details as to the nature of the provision/product , if there is a paywall and if any licences are applicable.

10. Please provide a list of the suppliers who applied and who were successful and not successful at PQQ and ITT stages.

11. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract?

Yours faithfully,

Miss Stokes

Information Management, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Dear Miss Stokes
Thank you for your recent correspondence, which has been received by the
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Merseytravel. Please use the
reference number 2301514 in any future correspondence on this matter.
For requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental
Information Regulations 2004  we will aim to provide a response within
twenty working days.
For requests under the Data Protection Act 2018 or General Data Protection
Regulation we will aim to respond within one month.
To contact us about this case click below
 [1]Contact us about this case 
Kind Regards
Andy Henderson
Senior Information Management Officer | 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP
Office: 0151 330 1679 |
Email: [email address

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NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.


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1. Contact us about this case

FOI CA, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Dear Miss Stokes

Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s devolved powers do not include responsibility for the Healthy Child Programme, so we unfortunately do not hold any recorded information in relation to your enquiry.

If you have not already done so, I would recommend redirecting your request to our constituent councils using the details below:
• Halton (
• Knowsley (
• Liverpool (
• Sefton (
• St Helens (
• Wirral (

I am sorry that we could not be of any further assistance on this occasion.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review, which should be addressed to:
Jill Coule
Chief Legal Officer / Monitoring Officer
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
[email address]

If you are not content with the result of your internal review, you also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner, whose address is
The Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Andy Henderson

Senior Information Management Officer | LCRCA | Mann Island, PO Box 1976, Liverpool, L69 3HN
Email: [Liverpool City Region Combined Authority request email]

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