Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities)

The request was successful.

Dear Dorset Council,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract/s below.

Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and disabilities). To include contracts related to health visiting, school nursing, family nurse partnership, inoculations, special schools nursing, public health. Where there is more than one contract/service area, please provide a response for each.

1. What is the current contract length (start date and end date)?

2. What is the contract value?

3. Who is the current supplier?

4. Is there an extension clause? If so, what is the duration of the extension and when would the first extension take effect if the clause was applied?

5. Has a decision been made yet as to whether the contract is being extended or renewed?

6. Please provide a copy of the full Invitation to Tender (ITT) published when the contract was last advertised.

7. What are the contractual Key Performance Indicators?

8. Are the contractual Key Performance Indicators being met by the incumbent service supplier? (yes/no/partially)

9. Is any of the provision delivered on line/digitally/virtually? If so please provide details as to the nature of the provision/product , if there is a paywall and if any licences are applicable.

10. Please provide a list of the suppliers who applied and who were successful and not successful at PQQ and ITT stages.

11. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract?

Yours faithfully,

Miss Stokes

Freedom of Information, Dorset Council

Please note that emails regarding new or existing information requests
should be sent to [Dorset Council request email]. Our previous email address
[email address] is now defunct.


Thank you for your information request.


If you have submitted a request for non-personal recorded information, it
will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). The EIR is broadly the
same as the FOIA but covers requests about the environment and
environmental matters.


You will receive a response within 20 working days in line with the
FOIA/EIR.  If the request will take any longer to process (e.g., if we
need to consult third parties or seek clarification from you) we will let
you know.


More details about FOIA/EIR requests can be found at



You may wish to know that you can submit requests online through our
e-form which is available via the link above.


If you wish to request information that is your own (or someone else’s)
personal data, it will be dealt with as a Subject Access Request (SAR) and
will be answered within one month. More details about SAR requests can be
found at



For information on how we process your personal data please see our
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Freedom of Information, Dorset Council

6 Attachments

Dear Miss Stokes,


Information Request – reference no. DC/5560


Thank you for your information request dated 15^th December, which has
been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


Our response to your request is as follows:


Healthy Child Programme 0 -19, (0-25 with Special education needs and
disabilities). To include contracts related to health visiting, school
nursing, family nurse partnership, inoculations, special schools nursing,
public health. Where there is more than one contract/service area, please
provide a response for each. 

 1. What is the current contract length (start date and end date)?

1^st October 2019 – 30^th September 2022 – with clause to extend for two
periods of two years each.

 2. What is the contract value?  

£11 million per annum

 3. Who is the current supplier? 

Dorset HealthCare

 4. Is there an extension clause? If so, what is the duration of the
extension and when would the first extension take effect if the clause
was applied?

The contract was set as a 3 year + 2 + 2 extension contract. The contract
first extension took effect from 1^st October 2022 – 30^th September 2024.

 5. Has a decision been made yet as to whether the contract is being
extended or renewed? 

Yes – extended from 1^st October 2022 – 30^th September 2024

 6. Please provide a copy of the full Invitation to Tender (ITT) 
published when the contract was last advertised.

ITT attached Please note that third party personal data has been redacted
for Data Protection purposes, in accordance with Section 40(2) of the FOIA

 7. What are the contractual Key Performance Indicators? 

Service Specification attached

 8. Are the contractual Key Performance Indicators being met by the
incumbent service supplier? (yes/no/partially)


 9. Is any of the provision delivered on line/digitally/virtually? If so
please provide details as to the nature of the provision/product , if
there is a paywall and if any licences are applicable. 

Yes – Attend Anywhere appointments, Chat Health and Parentline. These
services are contracted by the provider to deliver the service and
information on the products is unknown to Public Health Dorset.

10. Please provide a list of the suppliers who applied and who were
successful and not successful at PQQ and ITT stages.

These details are considered prejudice to our commercial interest and are
therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 43 of the FOIA.

11. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the

Joanne Wilson, Head of Programmes, Public Health Dorset


You may wish to know that you can submit information requests to Dorset
Council via our e-form at


If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you may ask
for an internal review within 40 working days of this response. Please
fill in our [2]online form if you wish to request a review. If you are not
content with the outcome of the internal review, you then have the right
to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision – the
Information Commissioner can be contacted via [3]their website.


For information on how we process your personal data please see our
information requests [4]privacy notice.


Most of the information we provide is subject to copyright protection. You
are free to use the information for your own non-commercial research or
private study. Unless we have indicated otherwise, you may also use
information created by Dorset Council for certain other purposes under the
terms of the Open Government Licence [5]here. For information not created
by Dorset Council, other uses will require the copyright owner’s


Yours sincerely,



Natalie Campbell
Information Compliance Officer
Assurance [6][IMG]
Dorset Council


[8][IMG] [9][IMG] [10][IMG]


This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. It may contain
unclassified but sensitive or protectively marked material and should be
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to anyone else. If you have received this transmission in error please
notify the sender immediately. All traffic may be subject to recording
and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation. Any views
expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where
the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of
Dorset Council. Dorset Council does not accept service of documents by fax
or other electronic means. Virus checking: Whilst all reasonable steps
have been taken to ensure that this electronic communication and its
attachments whether encoded, encrypted or otherwise supplied are free from
computer viruses, Dorset Council accepts no liability in respect of any
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message or any of its attachments. For information on how Dorset Council
processes your information, please see


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