Headteacher recruitment costs, number on roll
Dear JFS,
Please can you answer these questions on the basis of Freedom of information
1. what is the total number of students in each year and hence the total number on roll. What is the maximum number each year group can take
2. On the 1st Dec 2017, how many of the Senior Leadership team have Qualified Teacher Status and how many do not? If any do not, do they teach any lessons?
3. in which newspapers and websites was the recent post of headteacher advertised and what dates? What was the total cost of advertising for it? What was the total cost involved in the appointment of the new headteacher
4. Does the school have a policy for answering Freedom of Information requests?. In particular, have the Governors been advised on how to record their minutes, and who decides which part of the governors’ minutes to redact. Please provide a copy of any policies or advice that has been given.
Yours faithfully,
Sasha Gold
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JFS School
The Mall, Kenton
Harrow, HA3 9TE
020 8206 3100
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Dear Sasha Gold
Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I refer to your request for information dated 19 December 2017. Your
request was as follows:
Freedom of Information request - Headteacher recruitment costs, number on
Dear JFS,
Please can you answer these questions on the basis of Freedom of
information 1. what is the total number of students in each year and hence
the total number on roll. What is the maximum number each year group can
take 2. On the 1st Dec 2017, how many of the Senior Leadership team have
Qualified Teacher Status and how many do not? If any do not, do they teach
any lessons?
3. in which newspapers and websites was the recent post of headteacher
advertised and what dates? What was the total cost of advertising for it?
What was the total cost involved in the appointment of the new headteacher
4. Does the school have a policy for answering Freedom of Information
requests?. In particular, have the Governors been advised on how to record
their minutes, and who decides which part of the governors’ minutes to
redact. Please provide a copy of any policies or advice that has been
Yours faithfully,
Sasha Gold
In answer to your query:
1. what is the total number of students in each year and hence the total
number on roll. What is the maximum number each year group can take
· The total number of students on 15 January 2018 (as reported to
the FGB meeting on that day) is:
Year Total
Year 7 290
Year 8 305
Year 9 306
Year 10 292
Year 11 286
Year 12 271
Year 13 219
Totals 1969
· The total number per year group is 300 with a PAN of 2050. The
School has permission from the local authority to use the PAN flexibly,
hence, the ability to go above 300 in a year group as long as we stay
within the 2050 total capacity.
2. On the 1st Dec 2017, how many of the Senior Leadership team have
Qualified Teacher Status and how many do not? If any do not, do they teach
any lessons?
· On 1^st December there were 11 members of the Senior Leadership
· We confirm that we hold information relating to [how many
members of the Senior Leadership team have Qualified Teacher Status]. We
can confirm that on 1^st December there were 11 members of the Senior
Leadership Team. However we are withholding the further information
requested under the exemption detailed at section 40(2) and 40(3) of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the basis that the information
requested is personal information about third parties. We have decided
that it is personal information on the basis that there is a strong
possibility that individuals may be identified due to the small numbers
involved. Providing the statistics in this case would contravene the Data
Protection Act 1998 and namely principle 1 of the data protection
principles. It would not be fair and lawful to provide the statistics as
it is not within the reasonable expectations of the individuals concerned
that such personal details about them will be disclosed publicly.
3. in which newspapers and websites was the recent post of headteacher
advertised and what dates? What was the total cost of advertising for it?
What was the total cost involved in the appointment of the new headteacher
· The Headteacher vacancy was advertised in the TES online
(October 2), Jewish Chronicle (6 October), Jewish Weekly (3 October) and
Jewish Telegraph (6 October).
· We confirm that we hold information relating to [the cost of
advertising and the total cost of appointment of the Head Teacher] and we
are withholding that information under the exemption detailed at section
43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the basis that the
information requested is commercially sensitive information. Providing the
information in this case would likely prejudice the school’s commercial
interest in preventing the school from securing best value for similar
commercial contracts in the future. We are satisfied that the public
interest favours withholding the information in this case. There is a
public interest in allowing the school to withhold information which, if
disclosed, would prejudice the school’s ability to negotiate or compete in
a commercial environment.
4. Does the school have a policy for answering Freedom of Information
requests?. In particular, have the Governors been advised on how to record
their minutes, and who decides which part of the governors’ minutes to
redact. Please provide a copy of any policies or advice that has been
· The school does have a FoI policy which is attached. It is also
on the school’s website.
· We confirm that we hold information relating to [advice issued
to the school in relation to minutes of meetings] and we are withholding
that information under the exemption detailed at section 42 of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 on the basis that the information requested is
confidential advice between the school and its legal advisors which was
provided for the dominant purpose of giving legal advice. Providing the
information in this case would likely prejudice the school’s ability to
have full and frank discussions with its legal advisor. We are satisfied
that the public interest favours withholding the information in this case
and enabling the school to seek advice without fear of the advice being
reviewed by third parties.
This concludes the School’s response to your request. If you are
dissatisfied with this response you can ask us to review our response or
complain to the Information Commissioner ([1]www.ico.gov.uk) / Information
Commissioner's Office (Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9
Kind regards
Simon Appleman
Acting Headteacher
JFS School
The Mall, Kenton
Harrow, HA3 9TE
020 8206 3100
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If you are not the addressee indicated (or responsible for delivery of the
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