Head of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning
Dear Northampton Borough Council,
I understand you have appointed a number of consultants for Regeneration, Enterprise and planning. A Paul Walker and Ian Gray. I would like to know the following in the interest of the public purse and as a consultant myself who has been looking for local interim opportunities.
1) what their cost/spend/rates is to the council in terms of both individual day rate and associated costs including if any rate has changed since the start.
2) what term they are employed from and to?
3) I would also like to know what competitive process was used to select these individuals
4) when will permanent posts be filled.
5) how many candidates were they shortlisted from
6) Any other Director/Head positions filled by consultants/interims or temps.
Yours faithfully,
Jim Simms
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Northampton Borough Council, The Guildhall, Northampton, United Kingdom, NN1 1DE
+44 (0)300 330 7000
Good afternoon Mr Simms
Please find attached the Council’s response to your recent FOI request.
With kind regards
Stephanie Everitt
Legal Assistant
Borough Secretary’s Department
Northampton Borough Council
01604 83 8841
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