HC5(t) refunds of Non primary services referred by Consultant/GP at provider units Blood Taking Unit/X-Ray department

The request was successful.

Dear Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,

Further to the reply from

NHS Business Services Authority
stating to contact you for the information

In section 2.240 in the Claims Assessment Manual version 21
Refund of Travel for NHS Treatment
for provider units (hospitals, clinics and specialist centres)

it states
2.240 (i)
... travel for treatment is to receive non-primary care
... under the care of a consultant or GP

I note the definition of primary care
"Primary care physicians are able to provide comprehensive care to a person. Their focus is on the personal health of an individual. They are the professionals with whom people first interface when entering into the medical system. And a primary care physician implies a professional who will have an ongoing, longitudinal relationship with a patient, and a coordinating role for how that patient will interact with the health care system."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_care "is the day-to-day healthcare given by a health care provider. Typically this provider acts as the first contact"
which is a GP surgery

Refund of Travel for NHS Treatment is for travel for treatment is to receive
non-primary care
for provider units (hospitals, clinics and specialist centres)

What for the purpose of HC5(t) travel cost refund are non-primary services?

For example 2.240 notes A&E travel is refundable, if for a preexisting condition under care of consultant.

If referred by consultant/GP, are visits to the provider units (hospitals, clinics and specialist centres),
Blood Taking Unit refundable?

If referred by consultant/GP, are visits to provider units (hospitals, clinics and specialist centres),
X-Ray department refundable?

Yours faithfully,

I Cau

Freedom of Information NHFT, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Dear requester,

Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act (2000). We anticipate that we will be able to provide you with a response within 20 working days. This request has been logged under reference FOI1116005.

Yours sincerely,

The Freedom of Information Team
Information Governance Team
Information Governance Department
Bevan House
Kettering Parkway South
NN15 6XR

Email: [Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust request email] | Web: http://www.nht.nhs.uk

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Freedom of Information NHFT, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

2 Attachments

Good Afternoon,


Our Ref: FOI1116005


Please find the attached response to your recent request for information.

Your feedback is important to us, we would be grateful if you could please
complete, to enable us to continue to improve our services.




Yours sincerely,


The Freedom of Information Team


Information Governance Team Office

Bevan House

Kettering Parkway South



NN15 6XR


Email: [2][Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust request email] | Web: [3]http://www.nht.nhs.uk


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Visible links
1. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NC87QPD
2. mailto:[Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust request email]
3. http://www.nht.nhs.uk/