Hate crime figures

The request was successful.

Dear Devon and Cornwall Constabulary,

Please could you provide me with the hate crime figures for Cornwall for 2010-2015.

Please could you break the figures down into the different types of hate crime and the different wards within Cornwall.

Yours faithfully,

Emily Apple

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

Dear Ms Apple
We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information Request received
Please could you provide me with the hate crime figures for Cornwall for
Please could you break the figures down into the different types of hate
crime and the different wards within Cornwall.
Your request will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. You should expect to be sent a response within the
statutory limit of 20 working days, subject to the provisions of the Act. 
Should you have any further inquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me quoting my reference number as above.
Yours sincerely
Hattie Etheridge
Freedom of Information Officer
Tel 01392 452839 (ext. 22839)
[Devon and Cornwall Constabulary request email]
Freedom of Information Unit
Contact Devon & Cornwall Police on [email address]
Textphone 18001 101 for the deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired
Always call 999 in an emergency
Devon and Cornwall Police aims to serve the communities of Devon and
Cornwall and help inspire greater confidence in the Police. For more
information please visit our website at [1]www.devon-cornwall.police.uk

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Visible links
1. http://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

2 Attachments

Dear Ms Apple,
Please find attached the response to your above numbered Freedom of
Information Request.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Hawkins
Freedom of Information Officer
Devon & Cornwall Police
Tel 01392 452204
[1][Devon and Cornwall Constabulary request email]
Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
Contact Devon & Cornwall Police on [email address]
Textphone 18001 101 for the deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired
Always call 999 in an emergency
Devon and Cornwall Police aims to serve the communities of Devon and
Cornwall and help inspire greater confidence in the Police. For more
information please visit our website at [2]www.devon-cornwall.police.uk

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Visible links
1. mailto:[Devon and Cornwall Constabulary request email]
2. http://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/