Haringey Council "Land ownership on Chestnut Estate N17"
Dear Haringey Borough Council,
Please provide the below information:
1. A map showing the council land ownership on the Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks Road in Tottenham;
2. Does the council manage parking services on the Estate and including Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd;
3. If the council does not manage the parking services on the above estate and roads, please provide information and details of any company that provides parking services;
4. Please provide any contract or agreement of the company that provides parking services on Fairbanks Road and Chestnut Road;
5. Does the council maintain all the roads within the Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks Road and Chesnut Road;
6. Please provide information on the parking spaces provided to Newlon Housing Association Trust as part of their new housing on Fairbanks Road;
7. Do Newlon Housing Association provides parking services as part of the new housing development;
8. Please provide details of Haringey Council income from parking services on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd for the years 2023/2024;
9. Please provide information on any Haringey Council expenditure on parking services on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks rd and Chesnut Rd for the years 2023/2024.
Yours faithfully,
Miraf Negusse Ghebreawariat
Dear Miraf Negusse Ghebreawariat,
Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:
I acknowledge your request for information received on 05 September 2024.
This information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations and we
will send the response by 03 October 2024
Should our response to your request breach the statutory time-frame and
you remain unhappy with our response you have the right to complain to the
Information Commissioners Office. You can contact them at [email
address]. Information about their services is on their website:
Yours sincerely,
Frankie Detavora
Feedback & Resolutions Officer
Feedback & Resolutions Team
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you have received this email in error, please notify the system
administrator at Haringey Council immediately and delete this e-mail from
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Dear FOI,
I would like to know why I did not receive the information required in the time frame legally indicate.
I'm really disappointed by this behaviour considering that I have called many times Haringey Council to request those information but they kept bouncing me to different departments.
Once again Haringey Council shows luck of transparency and disregard for the residents request.
I am now requesting the reason of this delay and when Haringey Council will provide the information requested.
Yours sincerely,
Miraf Negusse Ghebreawariat
[1][FOI #1172062 email]
Dear Miraf Negusse Ghebreawariat,
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/15763424
Thank you for your request for information received on 05 September 2024,
in which you asked for the following:
1. A map showing the council land ownership on the Chesnut Estate and
including Fairbanks Road in Tottenham;
2. Does the council manage parking services on the Estate and including
Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd;
3. If the council does not manage the parking services on the above estate
and roads, please provide information and details of any company that
provides parking services;
4. Please provide any contract or agreement of the company that provides
parking services on Fairbanks Road and Chestnut Road;
5. Does the council maintain all the roads within the Chesnut Estate and
including Fairbanks Road and Chesnut Road;
6. Please provide information on the parking spaces provided to Newlon
Housing Association Trust as part of their new housing on Fairbanks Road;
7. Do Newlon Housing Association provides parking services as part of the
new housing development;
8. Please provide details of Haringey Council income from parking services
on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd for the years
9. Please provide information on any Haringey Council expenditure on
parking services on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks rd and Chesnut
Rd for the years 2023/2024.
My response is shown in colour as follows:
1. A map showing the council land ownership on the Chesnut Estate and
including Fairbanks Road in Tottenham;
Please see attached pdf, which shows road owner ship for the area
including Chesnut Estate. Please note that the road ownership data does
not include revisions subsequent to the new development on Fairbanks Road
– this is in the process of being updated and is not yet available.
Further information regarding the development work, including plans is
available on the planning section of the council website here:
[2]Planning | Haringey Council
[3]Planning Application: HGY/2016/2184 (haringey.gov.uk)
2. Does the council manage parking services on the Estate and including
Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd;
Fairbanks Road forms part of Chesnut Estate – this road is a private road
owned and maintained by Haringey Council Housing Services
Information regarding enforcement on Council estates can be found on our
website here: [4]Parking on housing estates | Haringey Council
Chesnut Road forms part of the public highway- the council manages parking
the road as part of the public highway, included in CPZ ‘The Hale’.
Information on Haringey Parking Services can be found on our website here:
[5]Parking | Haringey Council
3. If the council does not manage the parking services on the above estate
and roads, please provide information and details of any company that
provides parking services;
4. Please provide any contract or agreement of the company that provides
parking services on Fairbanks Road and Chestnut Road;
The contract for enforcement on Fairbanks Road is with Wing Security Ltd –
this cannot be provided as it includes commercially sensitive information
5. Does the council maintain all the roads within the Chesnut Estate and
including Fairbanks Road and Chesnut Road;
The council maintains the highway, including Chesnut Road
Fairbanks Road is owned by Haringey Council and managed by Haringey
Council Housing serivces
6. Please provide information on the parking spaces provided to Newlon
Housing Association Trust as part of their new housing on Fairbanks Road;
7. Do Newlon Housing Association provides parking services as part of the
new housing development;
(in response to both 6&7 above) - Newlon residents of Halter House,
Bonwick House and Riddell House. They have six disabled parking bays
allocated to designated Newlon residents which form part of Newlon’s lease
responsibility. Haringey Council does not hold information regarding
enforcement by private organisations on their land.
8. Please provide details of Haringey Council income from parking services
on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks Rd and Chesnut Rd for the years
Chesnut Road is part of the highway maintained at the public expense and
is included in the Hale CPZ (details as linked to in the response to
question 2.)
Revenue for CPZ for FY 2023/24 for permits issued to accounts with
addresses on Chesnut Road was £1320.03
PCN income for FY 2023/24 for PCNs with Chesnut Road as a location was
Chesnut Estate is included in the estate parking scheme managed by Housing
services. Permits are currently free of charge. Revenue from Parking
Charge Notices is collected by a private contractor (Wing Security Ltd)
and is commercially sensitive. However, 1242 PCNs were issued on Chesnut
Estate for FY 2023/24
9. Please provide information on any Haringey Council expenditure on
parking services on Chesnut Estate and including Fairbanks rd and Chesnut
Rd for the years 2023/2024.
There has been no additional spending by the Council on parking services
on Fairbanks Road or Chesnut Estate during 2023/24 – they form part of
wider enforcement contracts and no specific breakdown by road is available
If you are unhappy with how we have responded to your request you can ask
us to conduct an Internal Review. If so, please contact the [6]Feedback &
Resolutions Team. (Please note you should do so within two months of this
Jonathan Fish (he/him)
Estate Parking Programme Manager
Estate and Neighbourhood Services
Haringey Council
6th Floor Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, Wood Green, N22 7TR
M. 07974 599 672
E. [7][email address]
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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retention, distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If
you have received this email in error, please notify the system
administrator at Haringey Council immediately and delete this e-mail from
your system. Although this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be
free of any virus or other defect which might affect any computer or
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Visible links
1. mailto:[foi%20#1172062%20email]
2. https://new.haringey.gov.uk/planning-bui...
3. https://publicregister.haringey.gov.uk/p...
4. https://new.haringey.gov.uk/housing/coun...
5. https://new.haringey.gov.uk/parking
6. mailto:[email%20address]
7. file:///tmp/[email%20address]
8. http://www.haringey.gov.uk/
9. https://twitter.com/haringeycouncil
10. https://www.facebook.com/haringeycouncil
11. http://www.haringey.gov.uk/HereToHelp
Dear Miraf Negusse Ghebreawariat
Please accept our apologies, we have chased this with the officers responsible for responding to your request. We have asked them to respond to you urgently and provide an explanation for the delay.
Kind regards,
Thad Saunders
Feedback & Resolutions Officer
Strategy, Communications and Collaboration | Feedback & Resolutions Team
Haringey Council, Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, Wood Green, London, N22 7TR
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