Requests similar to 'Haem Files'

Haem Files
Request sent to Eastern Region Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to North West Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to South West Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to West Midlands Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to North East Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to Advisory Group on Hepatitis by JJ Evans on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: If po...
Haem Files
Request sent to Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a table list of file volumes you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the file title: "Haem...
File Request - A0937235
Response by NHS National Services Scotland to JJ Evans on .


Dear JJ Evans Freedom of Information Reference: 2022-000067 Thank you for your email of 29 March 2022 requesting the following. Under FOI, please...
Haem Files
Request sent to Export Credits Guarantee Department by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI, I am requesting the following information: A 3 column table list of file reference numbers, titles and, if possible, approximate date rang...
Haem Files
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by JJ Evans on .


Under FOI please could you provide me with a list of file volumes held by the Department and/or its records office which contain any of the following k...
Haem Files
Request sent to Department for Education by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a list of file volumes held by the Department and/or its records office which contain any of the following k...
Haem Files
Response by NHS National Services Scotland to JJ Evans on .


Dear JJ Evans, Freedom of Information Request: Request reference FOI-2019-000078 Please find attached the response to your FOI Request. If you ar...
1988 - 1991 Factor Files

Partially successful

See attached - another email will follow with the third attachment as it was too large to send in one email. Regards FOI Lead/Publication Scheme Co-o...
BPC Haem Files
Request sent to British Pharmacopoeia Commission by JJ Evans on .


Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
CO Haem Files
Request sent to Cabinet Office by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
PMO Haem Files
Request sent to Prime Minister's Office by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Dear Prime Minister’s Office, Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of...
MoJ Haem Files
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by JJ Evans on .

Waiting clarification

Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
DoE Haem Files
Request sent to Department for Education by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
EAGA Haem Files
Request sent to Expert Advisory Group on AIDS by JJ Evans on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
Dear Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files yo...
Ombudsman Haem Files
Request sent to Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI I would please like you to provide the following: An inventory list of files you hold which contain any of the following keywords in the ti...
Haem Search
Response by NHS Blood and Transplant to JJ Evans on .

Partially successful

Our ref: MOC/ 369079 Dear JJ Evans Re: Information request Thank you for your request dated 28^th March 2019 for information from NHS Blood and...
Haem Files
Request sent to Government Legal Department by JJ Evans on .

Partially successful

Under FOI please could you provide me with a list of file volumes held by the Department and/or its records office which contain any of the following k...
Haem BPL Files
Request sent to Government Procurement Service by JJ Evans on .

Information not held

Under FOI please could you provide me with a list of file volumes held by the Department and/or its records office which contain any of the following k...