The request was successful.

Alvin Pritchard.

Dear Sir or Madam, Why did the M.O.D reject The Rt Hon Lord Lloyd Inquiry of 2004, which aim was to investigate the circumstances that have led to the ill health, and in some cases death, of over 6,000 British troops following deployment to the first Gulf War ? And why were NONE of the noble lords recommendations made in his report implemented ?

Yours faithfully,

Alvin Pritchard.


1 Attachment

For the attention of: Mr Alvin Pritchard

Please see the attached response to your FOI request.

Jim Plato


Alvin Pritchard.

Absolute rubbish. I put it to you that this whole subject has been a organized "COVER UP" at the highest level from day one. Do you think that The Rt Hon Lord Lloyd`s Inquiry was held for fun?

Yours sincerely,

Alvin Pritchard.


1 Attachment

For the attention of: Mr Alvin Pritchard,

Please see attached.

Jim Plato
Ministry of Defence

show quoted sections

Alvin Pritchard.

Dear DCDS PERS-PCV-LEGACY GULF-DU(Plato, Jim C2), Mr Jim Plato, Sir, Thank you for your very prompt reply on this matter. Asking me the question "How do i know that the M.O.D covered up this matter" is like asking me,"How many bubbles are there in a bar of soap!! That aside, i base my findings on the following points. 1, The findings of the 136 page Lloyd report of 2004, to which NO governmental or M.O.D minister would attend (or were ordered not to attend) 2, The findings of the 452 page report by the Federally Mandated Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses of 2008, which stated that "Scientific evidence leaves no question that Persian Gulf War Illness is a very real condition, with real causes, and has serious consequences for affected veterans". 3, My many own personal experiences of the last 18 years on this subject. So my friend, no smoke without fire as they say. But for the British Government and M.O.D to portray an image to society of there being "nothing wrong" on this topic, is quite wrong and perverse in my opinion.

Yours sincerely,

Alvin Pritchard.

Alvin Pritchard.

Dear Sir or Madam, What i would add to my e-mail to you of the 6th July is --- Over the last 18 years, as you well know, there have been countless national and international documentaries made on this subject (and still are being made to this day) This in itself should, at the very least, be setting off "alarm bells" indicating that "not all is well" together with the Government and M.O.Ds constant policy of denying from day one on "Gulf War Syndrome" indicates suspicion. Finally, Mr.Plato, being that you sir, are a paid employee of the M.O.D, it would be highly unlikely that you would admit to any wrong doing by your department on this important matter. I now bring my observations to a close. With Best Wishes.

Yours faithfully,

Alvin Pritchard.

Alvin Pritchard. left an annotation ()

Study affirms that Gulf war illnesses are genuine.

Alvin Pritchard. left an annotation ()

Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans:
Research Update and Recommendations, 2009-2013.