Gulf War illness meeting 12 September 2023

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Ministry of Defence should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Ministry of Defence,
On the 12 September 2023 the Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer MP, hosted a meeting to interrogate the evidence around Gulf War illnesses.

A previous government said "as part of their commitment to investigate the 1990 -1991 gulf veterans illnesses, issues openly & honestly and to learn the lessons of the past".

I hold you to (account) and to publish the minutes of the above meeting and make them public.

Yours faithfully,

Roy Sellstrom BEM

SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

2 Attachments


Dear Roy,


Please see the attached.



Ministry of Defence

Headquarters Defence Medical Services (HQ DMS)

HQ DMS Secretariat, HQ DMS, Coltman House, Defence Medical Services
Whittington, Lichfield, WS14 9PY