Requests similar to 'Gulf war' (page 10)

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
5th Column
Response by Ministry of Defence to Dr Emma L Briant on .

Information not held

Dear Dr Briant   With our apologies for a slight delay due to an administrative issue, please see attached our response to your FOI request.   ...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Department for Transport to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached my response to your FoI request, with supporting documents. Yours sincerely Lara Lara Bolch Information Rights...
Information request Our reference: 1191397 Your reference: [FOI #565758 email] --------------------------------------------------------------------...
August FOI Requests
Response by Derby City Council to Richard roberts on .


Dear Richard,   The Council confirms it holds information that falls within the description of your request.  We have attached part of the informa...
Dear Ms Paish   Please see attached further documentation regarding your Freedom of Information request.   Best Wishes   FOI Office Info...
Dear Sam   Re: Your application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000   I am writing in respect of your recent request for information to B...
Research for DWP by Rand Europe
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Dan Finn on .


Dear Dan Finn, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 31st January. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team Effective...
Political Theory Research MSc
Response by University of Oxford to Nick Jonathan on .


Dear Nick Our reference: 202408/765. Thank you for your Freedom of Information request to the University of Oxford. Please find our response attached...
Domestic Violence by NHS trust and board
Response by Somerset Integrated Care System to Claire Wilde on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Clugston   Freedom of Information Request (FOI 2114)   Thank you for your request dated 22 January 2021. We apologise for the delay, p...
Dear Ms Kelly,   Thank you for your e-mail received today.   Please find enclosed the spreadsheet in relation to our response to your FOI ref:...
FCO Language Centre Syllabi
Response by Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Jamie Cook on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Cook, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2020/14712, received 13th July. Please find our response attached....
Base Line Data
Response by Countryside Council for Wales to Graeme Harrold on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Harrold,   Please see attached CCW's response to your recent request for information.   Kind Regards Donna   Donna Muirhead Swy...
Content of SSAIDP Course
Response by College of Policing Limited to Kathryn Phillips on .


Good morning Kathryn, Please find the College's response letter and disclosure document attached. Kind regards, Kate. Date: 6th June 2022 Our Refer...
List of schools and email addresses
Response by Department for Education to Matt Johnston on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Johnston, Re: Freedom of Information Request – List of School Email Addresses I refer to your request for information, which was received on 2...
Response by Ministry of Defence to Dr Emma L Briant on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr Briant   With apologies for the slight delay due to an administrative issue, please find attached our response to your FOI request.  ...
Dear Mr Eckersley   FOI 1047-14   Please find attached our response to your FOI request on British Overseas Territories:  Constitutional Matte...
List of Public Authorties
Response by Information Commissioner's Office to John Cross on .


Link: [1]File-List 22 February 2010 Case Reference Number IRQ0293607 Dear Mr Cross I am writing further to my colleague’s acknowledgement...
Russian and East European Studies
Response by University of Oxford to J.E. Kelley on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Kelley, Please find attached the University's response to your request. Yours sincerely    FOI Oxford        Information Complianc...
LCY Months
Response by Transport for London to Mirrorball on .


Our ref: FOI-0096-1112 Date: 23.06.2011 Dear M. Ball Thank you for your email received by Transport for London (TfL) on 20 April 2011 aski...
Up to date list of all day nurseries & first schools
Response by Department for Education to Jayne Bedford on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jayne Thank you for your request for information received on 22 December 2015. You requested: “Please can you provide the following up to date...
Please find attached the response and supporting documents to your Freedom of Information request # 198621 References Visible links 1. http://www...
Dear Mr Smith, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2020/00126, received 28th January. Please find our response attach...
Tier 2 general visas and sponsor companies
Response by UK Border Agency to mamiri on .

Information not held

Dear Mamiri, Attached is the response to your FOI enquiry. Your sincerely FOI Team Please find attached your scanned document. To view this docume...
5G Information request
Response by Portsmouth City Council to c weston on .

Partially successful

  Information Governance, Corporate Services Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL Telephone:    023 9268 8482     Our Ref: FOI202...