Guidance links

The request was successful.

Dear Home Office,

Please could you provide me with either the links or the manual for complaints guidance procedures for the IND.

Also - please could you provide me with the links or the manual for caseworker guidance procedures

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

CA Purkis

FOI Requests, Home Office

Thank you for contacting the Home Office FOI Requests mailbox.

The Freedom of Information (FoI) Act 2000 provides public access to
recorded information held by the department.
If you have submitted a valid FoI request, we will acknowledge your
request within 24 hours, and aim to provide the information requested
within 20 working days as specified under the FoI Act.

Please note we are unable to respond to non-FOI immigration enquiries. If
you have a general immigration enquiry, or require an update on a specific
case, contact information can be found here: and


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Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

FOI Requests, Home Office


Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request. This has been
assigned to caseworker K Clough ( FOI Ref 31791). We will aim to send
you a full reposnse by 12/06/2014, which is Twenty working days from the
date we recieved your request.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting us


Thank you


FOI Requests

Home Office




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[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

You would think,that the Home office know how to spell (a full reposnse) response.

Perhaps they don't like the word.

Wayne Pearsall left an annotation ()

LOL Jan. You know it is a common fact that as long as all the correct letters are in a word, and the start and end character of said word is correct over 90% of people cannot notice typo's.

Excellent proof reading.

TBF: I'd of expected the HO would invest some time into creating some templates, utilising the MS Word feature of "Fields" ETC - this would help ease the burden on their resources significantly. Goes to show how lacking the Home Office are in utilising all of the available software they have - which is disapointing considering the money they spend on it.....

CA Purkis left an annotation ()

I think they just don't like me!

Information Access, Home Office

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Perkis,


Please find attached a letter concerning your FOI request.


Kind regards

K.Clough | Information Management Services | Corporate Services | Lower
Ground Floor | Seacole Building | Home Office | 2 Marsham Street | London


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recorded for legal purposes.

Dear Information Access,

Yes I am talking about the Complaints Hub of the UKVI.

(apologies if I got the name incorrect, you have changed the name so often in the past few years, its hard to keep up)

If a member of the public makes a complaint about an employee of the UKVI, be it at Lunar House, UK Border Force, or anywhere within the organisation which was formerly known as the UK Border Agency, what are the procedures and guidelines put in place to deal with and further the complaint?

Do you have different procedures for different departments within the former UKBA?

I'm a little confused as to your own ambivalence regarding my question.

Whatever your organisation is called at the moment, I am sure that you have a 'complaints procedure manual' or guidance notes, on how to deal with complaints from the public? This would surely cover any complaint against any unit or department your organisation?

Please could you provide me with this?

If you have different procedures for dealing with different departments or units, then I would like them all. That is all the procedures and guidance notes on complaints against the UKVI.

Yours sincerely,

CA Purkis

[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Could this be a:

'We can't understand what you mean' response, ( ....sorry resposne) so we can attach new request numbers to each clarification that we force you to make ......because you just don't understand our internal system.

Then we can declare you, or this request, vexatious .....for asking too many annoying questions on the same topic - in which we really would not like to you a responsne.

It happened to me.. It could happen to you.

D. Speers left an annotation ()

Again sounds SPOT ON Jt!

Wayne Pearsall left an annotation ()

The same thing happened to BritCits a while ago Jan. They base my vexatiousness on the number of requests that I have made.

So very very realistic that this is the case here too.

[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Impossible to say at the moment.

Because it's the first 'clarification'.

We will have to wait and see if more 'clarifications' of a 'clarification' are demanded.

In my case it was not understanding what a 'senior or executive officer' was.

Personally, I think if you cannot reference shouldn't be in the business of answering FoI requests.

FOI Requests, Home Office

Dear CA Purkis




Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request. This has been
assigned to a caseworker. We will aim to send you a full response by
04/07/2014 which is twenty working days from the date we received your



If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you

FOI Requests

Home Office


show quoted sections

Wayne Pearsall left an annotation ()

You've made your ico complaint then

FOI Requests, Home Office

1 Attachment

Dear C A Purkis,


Please find attached the Home Office response to your request.


Kind Regards




Michael Seedansingh

Information Management Services (IMS), Information Access Team

Corporate Services

Home Office

Ground Floor, Seacole Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF

T+44 (0)20 7035 5141

5th Floor, Apollo House 36 Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR9 2BR

T+44 (0)20  8760 8495



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Visible links
1. file:///tmp/

Dear FOI Requests,

Your first guidance Word link, does not appear to work. Please could you re-send this in a working format.

Yours sincerely,

CA Purkis

FOI Requests, Home Office

Thank you for contacting the Home Office FOI Requests mailbox.

The Freedom of Information (FoI) Act 2000 provides public access to
recorded information held by the department.
If you have submitted a valid FoI request, we will acknowledge your
request within 24 hours, and aim to provide the information requested
within 20 working days as specified under the FoI Act.

Please note we are unable to respond to non-FOI immigration enquiries. If
you have a general immigration enquiry, or require an update on a specific
case, contact information can be found here: and


show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

FOI Requests, Home Office

1 Attachment


Dear CA Purkis,


I am sorry to hear that the link we included in our response to your
request, did not work.  Please find attached the link again, which should
work this time.


Kind Regards


M Seedansingh


Information Access Team


show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Dear FOI Requests,

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,

CA Purkis

FOI Requests, Home Office

Thank you for contacting the Home Office FOI Requests mailbox.

The Freedom of Information (FoI) Act 2000 provides public access to
recorded information held by the department.
If you have submitted a valid FoI request, we will acknowledge your
request within 24 hours, and aim to provide the information requested
within 20 working days as specified under the FoI Act.

Please note we are unable to respond to non-FOI immigration enquiries. If
you have a general immigration enquiry, or require an update on a specific
case, contact information can be found here: and


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Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

D. Speers left an annotation ()

I look forward to reading information!
Thank you for asking.