Group L - Public Administration & Defence
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to request information from Companies House under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
As you will be aware Companies House collects UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 03) Codes from the Annual Returns of UK Companies. These codes can be viewed by the public at no cost using the WebCHeck service. The public cannot however use the WebCHeck service to obtain lists of Companies with a particular SIC code.
Please could you provide me with a list of companies which have one or more Trade Codes from Group L Public Administration & Defence, the Group L codes are listed below.
Group L - Public Administration & Defence
7511 - General (overall) public service
7512 - Regulation health, education, etc.
7513 - Regulation more efficient business
7514 - Support services for government
7521 - Foreign affairs
7522 - Defence activities
7523 - Justice and judicial activities
7524 - Public security, law & order
7525 - Fire service activities
7530 - Compulsory social security
[Source of list: ]
I am aware that Companies House has a number of exceptions it can consider when dealing with FOI requests. I have confined my request to those companies with public responsibilities. I ask that Companies House do not make use of any exemptions and provide the information about companies with public responsibilities in the interest of public accountability.
Please send the information in Excel (or CSV) format.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
John Cross
Dear Mr Cross
With reference to your email dated 18 March 2009.
The Information Rights Team is currently looking at your enquiry and a response will be sent as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Lumsden
Information Rights Team
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Dear Mr Cross
With reference to your email dated 18 March 2009 requesting a list of
companies which have one or more Trade Codes from Group L Public
Administration & Defence.
Please note that the information you have requested is not readily
available. We would need to write a programme to extract this bespoke
information from the Companies House database. This type of request will
cost in the region of £186.00 to £320.00.
For your information I have attached a pdf version of the UK Standard
Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2003 compiled by the
Office of National Statistics. Group L - Public Administration & Defence
is recorded on page 159 of the document and outlines the classes under
each of the SIC code headings. Having had sight of this document, if you
would like to proceed with your request, please contact Susan Thomas in
our Marketing department who will arrange for this information to be
retrieved from the public register. Her email address is
[1][email address]
I must therefore refuse your request as under section 21 of the Freedom of
Information Act any information that is reasonably accessible to the
applicant, albeit on payment of a fee, is exempt information under the
I am sorry that my response is not the response you would have wished for,
but I am required to inform you that if you are unhappy with the decision
made in relation to your request you may ask for an internal review.
Any requests for such a review should be addressed, in the first instance
to me at the above address, and I will ensure that it is forwarded to a
senior member of Companies House who has had no previous involvement in
this case and they will undertake the review.
If you are then not content with the outcome of the internal review, you
have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at; Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Lumsden
Information Rights Team
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publish this message, except for the purposes for which this message is
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