Grounds Maintenance

Clifton Parish Council (Cumbria) did not have the information requested.

Dear Clifton Parish Council (Cumbria),

I am writing to make an open government request for all of the
information, to which I am entitled to request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.

I would like answers to the following points;

1. Is grounds maintenance (ie mowing, tree work, weed spraying etc) work
undertaken by in-house teams or contracted out? If contracted who is the current contractor?

2. Who is responsible for managing in-house grounds maintenance teams or

3. What is the contact name, address and email of the person responsible
for managing grounds maintenance activities?

4. What is the annual grounds maintenance budget?

5. Do you receive additional Government, non-profit or voluntary
donations, specifically for grounds maintenance tasks?

I would like the above information to be provided electronically. I
understand that you are legally compelled to respond to my request within
20 working days after receipt of my letter. I would be grateful if you
could confirm in writing that you have received this request.P

Yours faithfully,

Steve Wright

Clifton Parish Council,

We do not do any grounds maintenance.  
Kind Regards
Rachael Kelly
Clerk to Clifton Parish Council
Sent from [1]Outlook

Clifton Parish Council takes your privacy seriously.

Clifton Parish Council would like to inform you that by contacting the
parish Clerk at [email address] or carrying out work on behalf of
Clifton Parish Council this may result in you providing personal
information which you consent to the Parish Council holding.

Your personal data will be kept in compliance with the new General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) Clifton Parish Council will not pass your
personal data to any other individual or organisation.

It should be noted under the Financial Regulations & Governance which
Clifton Parish Council are bound by that some personal information is
required to be minuted and available in the public domain.

If you are concerned with any interaction with the Parish Council with
regard to your personal details please contact the Clerk.



From: Chris Leece <[Clifton Parish Council (Cumbria) request email]>
Sent: 25 February 2019 11:42
To: Brian Benson; Clifton PC Clerk
Subject: Fw: Freedom of Information request - Grounds Maintenance

[2]Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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