Grounds Maintenance
Dear Superfast South Yorkshire,
I am writing to make an open government request for all of the
information, to which I am entitled to request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
I would like answers to the following points;
1. Is grounds maintenance (ie mowing, tree work, weed spraying etc) work
undertaken by in-house teams or contracted out?
2. Who is responsible for managing in-house grounds maintenance teams or
3. What is the contact name, address and email of the person responsible
for managing grounds maintenance activities?
4. What is the annual grounds maintenance budget?
5. Do you receive additional Government, non-profit or voluntary
donations, specifically for grounds maintenance tasks?
I would like the above information to be provided electronically. I
understand that you are legally compelled to respond to my request within
20 working days after receipt of my letter. I would be grateful if you
could confirm in writing that you have received this request.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Wright
Thank you for your email.
Superfast South Yorkshire receives a high volume of enquiries, we will
respond to enquiries in turn and aim to respond within 5 working days.
During periods of exceptional volume waiting times may be longer. Please
ensure you have provided your postcode to enable us to give the most
accurate response as possible.
Please visit our website where you will find a vast amount of information
surrounding the Superfast South Yorkshire programme. You will also be
able to register your interest to receive our newsletter and complete our
broadband survey to tell us about your broadband experience
Superfast South Yorkshire
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Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
Dear Mr Wright,
Thank you for emailed Freedom of Information request sent 21 February 2019.
We do not hold this information, grounds maintenance is not in our remit.
Kind regards
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