Greenacres Park(Land at Green Acres), Llangollen

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Denbighshire County Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Michael Edwards

Dear Sirs,

Greenacres Park, Llangollen(access/egress off Maes Collen) was developed by MacBryde Builders in the early 2000s being land previously owned by the Horspool family and used in conjunction with the property known as Green Acres situated at the top of Hill Street at its junction with Vicarage Road and Bache Mill Road.

Please provide details of all planning approvals with relevant conditions imposed in relation to this development of three and four bedroom dwellings and ancillary works on Gerddi y Bache and Trem-y-Creigiau, Llangollen?

Yours faithfully,

Michael W. Edwards FRICS, IRRV(Hons)

Emma Jones, Denbighshire County Council

1 Attachment

FOI Acknowledgement 2253


Dear Mr Edwards,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

Thank you for your recent request for information held by Denbighshire
County Council received 03/05/2017 regarding DEVELOPMENT IN LLANGOLLEN.

As set out by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it will be our aim to
respond to your request by 01/06/2017. In some cases, however, we may be
unable to achieve this deadline. If this occurs we will advise you of the
likely timescale within which the response will be provided.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council may charge for
disbursement costs (e.g. photocopies, postage). However should there be
any such costs, you will be notified of this prior to the commencement of
any work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance
relating to the above.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi. We welcome
correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh
which will not lead to a delay.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan Website


Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

3 Attachments

EIR response


Dear Mr Edwards,

Thank you for your request for information received 03/05/2017 regarding
Greenacres Park. We have attached the plan we used when compiling the
response to your request and also a list of decision notices. Details of
the notices can be found on our website using the planning references:
If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact

If you have any queries regarding this response, please do not hesitate to
contact me at the following address: Access to Information Officer,
Corporate Information Management Team, PO BOX 62, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin,
LL15 9AZ. Alternatively, if you are unhappy with the way the council has
handled your request and wish to ask for internal review, please contact
the Corporate Information Manager at the same address. If you are
subsequently not content with the outcome of the review, you have the
right to apply to the Information Commissioner whose address is Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

The contents of this communication and the enclosed documents are subject
to copyright protection. It has been sent to you for your information and
you may use it for any private study and non-commercial research. The
information may also be used for the purposes of news reporting. Re-use
for commercial publication requires the permission of this Council.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance
relating to the above.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi. We welcome
correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh
which will not lead to a delay.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242 E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan Website



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