The request was successful.

Dear Sirs

In the press this weekend it was announced that SEPA had been leaving 400 PC's on overnight, wasting around 90,000 kwh per year, the equivalent of 280 hours of flying a jet plane. In order to combat this they have now introduced a Power Management software product. As you are a Public Sector body in Scotland I would like to know;

How many PC's do you have in your organization?
Do you use a Power Management software product (not the operating system: this is inefficient)?
Contact details for the person responsible for Green issues / carbon reduction commitments?

Many thanks,

David Blades

Dear Mr Blades,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry which we received on 6 June 2011. Please find the answer to your queries below:

How many PC's do you have in your organization?

The National Archives of Scotland (NAS)* currently deploys 250 desktop PCs (including PCs for use by customers using onsite search room facilities).

Do you use a Power Management software product (not the operating system: this is inefficient)?

Yes. NAS deploys specialist third party software for its desktop power management requirements, with corporate wide configuration policies applied to manage the power settings of desktop PC systems.

Contact details for the person responsible for Green issues/carbon reduction commitments?

Audrey Robertson

* The National Archives of Scotland merged with the General Register Office for Scotland on 1st April 2011 to form a new organisation, National Records of Scotland. A comprehensive review of IT systems to meet the needs of the new organisation is underway.

If you have any complaints regarding your Freedom of Information request please write in the first instance to me by email at [email address] or [National Archives of Scotland request email]. If this fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision.

Kind regards

Catherine Dowe
Assistant Business Manager
National Records of Scotland
General Register House
2 Princes Street
Tel: 0131 535 1311
Email: [email address]

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