Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone

The request was partially successful.

Dear South Norfolk District Council,

Please provide all correspondence between Broadland District Council and South Norfolk District Council on the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone (also known as Food Hub, Greater Norwich Food Cluster etc) since January 1st 2015.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Boswell


Dear Andrew

Thank you for your request of information which is being considered. You may be aware that we have to respond to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests within 20 working days and as soon as is reasonably practicable, therefore you will receive a response by 23 May 2017 or earlier.

For your information, the Act defines a number of exemptions, which may prevent release of the information you have requested. There will be an assessment and if any of the exemption categories apply then some or all of the information may not be released. You will be informed if this is the case, including your rights of appeal.

If any of the information you have requested is not contained in a recorded format, South Norfolk Council is not obliged to create information for the purpose of responding to your request

There may be a fee payable for ‘reasonable disbursement’ costs such as postage and photocopying. This will be considered and you will be informed if a fee is payable. In this event the fee must be paid before the information is processed and released. The 20 working day time limit for responses is suspended until receipt of the payment.

If you have any queries or concerns then please let me know. If you do contact us again concerning this request, please quote FOI 17-191.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

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Dear Emma Goddard // South Norfolk District Council,

Thank you for your response to my FoI request.

I believe the 20 working days actually goes to May 22nd - this is what the WhatDoTheyKnow website calculated automatically when I submitted the request. In any case, I would very much appreciate it if this information could be delivered before that. The request is well scoped and I do not believe that there is a mass of information to collate. The issue goes to SNDC Scrutiny meeting on May 10th, and there is significant public interest in it: it would, therefore, be helpful to the public for this information to be available in the public domain by then.

I very hope that you are able to fulfil this.

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Boswell


Dear Andrew

The deadline is definitely 23 May - perhaps this website does not account for bank holidays.

I will do my best to answer your request as quickly as possible (in line with the Act), however we do receive a large volume of requests and I must answer these in timely manner also. Therefore, turning this around in a few weeks might not be possible - I apologise for any inconvenience if this is the case.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

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Emma Goddard,

Dear Andrew

Further to my emails below, I am struggling to send you the information you have requested as I receive an email advising that the size of my email is too large. I have tried splitting and it is still too big. Are you able to provide an alternative email address or advise the size limit that I can send to the email address you are using.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

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1 Attachment

As I have not heard anything, I will attempt to send you through the information in a number of emails,. I will advise when this is complete.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

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1 Attachment

Email 2

Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

show quoted sections


42 Attachments

Email 3

Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

show quoted sections


33 Attachments

Email 4

Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

show quoted sections


48 Attachments

Email 5 - final email

Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Gold

show quoted sections

Dear Ms Goddard,

Thank you for your response to my FoI. The material so far has been helpful.

I am writing to request a further document which falls under the scope of the initial request. Within the period since January 2015, SNDC shared with BDC a document - "22107 South Norfolk Council CCN1.pdf". This document is change notice on a Memorandum of Understanding between SNDC and DEFRA relating to the FEZ. The MoU was originally dated 30th March 2015. As SNDC shared changes to the MoU, presumably you must also have shared the original MoU with BDC around March 2015 when it was signed by SNDC.

I would be grateful if you could send me the original MoU document of 30th March 2015 as shared with SNDC.

Thank you for your help. I will accept the FoI as fulfilled once I have received this document and any related emails between BDC and SNDC.

Best regards

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Boswell

Emma Goddard,

Thank you for your email. I am now out of the office and will be back on
Monday 12 June  2017.

My emails will not be checked in my absence, so if you require a response
before my return, please contact another member of the Democratic Services
Team by emailing [email address] or calling 01508 533943.

If your email relates to a request for information (FOI or EIR), please
forward it to [South Norfolk District Council request email].

Many thanks

Emma Goddard

Senior Governance Officer


Dear South Norfolk District Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of South Norfolk District Council's handling of my FOI request 'Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone'.

I have received no response to my last message to Ms Goddard on the WhatDoTheyKnow website - sent June 6th 2017, now 3 weeks ago.

I am making a simple request for a SINGLE DOCUMENT, the Memorandum of Understanding between SNDC and DEFRA, to complete SNDC's response to the FoI request. SNDC and BDC have had correspondence about the MoU including a document "22107 South Norfolk Council CCN1.pdf" , a change notice on the MoU of which I have a copy. It beggars belief that SNDC, as originator of this document, can not simply provide this MoU document - it falls under the scope of the FoI; both the parties in correspondence, SNDC and BDC, and the dates given. I do not accept any further prevarication is justified by SNDC - the outstanding request is clear for just this SINGLE document, no clarification is needed.

Please carry out an internal review ASAP so this FoI may now be promptly and satisfactorily completed.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Boswell


Dear Andrew

I do apologise that you have not received a response, I do not recall seeing a request from yourself referred to below and cannot find one on the system. I can now accept this as a request, and will process this as soon as we can in light of problems with us receiving this request. If the request was sent on the 6th June, we would have until 4 July to respond, which I will endeavour to do so. Technically I am treating this as a request received today, however as above, I will try to respond by next Tuesday.

I trust this is acceptable to you.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Platinum

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Dear Emma,

Thank you for your reply. That is very helpful.

I will keep the request for an internal review open, having made it (so the clock is ticking on it), pending delivery of the document by July 4th. However, if the document is delivered by then, I'll be more than happy to delete the internal review request then.

Best regards

Andrew Boswell

Emma Goddard,

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for your email, I will not proceed to internal review at present.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Platinum

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Dear Emma Goddard,

OK, but I clearly state that I haven't withdrawn my request for an internal review. If I need to go to the Information Commissioner, then the date that I requested the Internal Review remains 27th June 2017 as per my first message today.

Thanks again.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Boswell


1 Attachment

Dear Mr Boswell

I refer to your Freedom of Information request to which I am now in a position to respond. I attach the only version of the MoU that South Norfolk Council holds. From the description in your request, I believe that this may be the version of the MoU that Broadland District Council has disclosed to you previously.

I hope this is of assistance and is sufficient to meet your requirements, but if, for whatever reason you wish to get back to me, please feel free to do so. In particular if you are unhappy with the information provided or how your request was handled please let me know and I will explain how you can request an internal review of our decision.

Please quote FOI 17-280 in any further correspondence concerning this request.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Platinum

South Norfolk Council, working with you, working for you.

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Dear Ms Goddard,

Thanks for sending on an additional document. What you have sent is an additional CCN (Contract Change Note). The one you have is CCN2. The CCN that I had original received from BDC is CCN1 mentioned in CCN2.

However, neither of these are the underlying contract, or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). They are just changes to it, each one extending the contract.

What I am asking for is the original MoU. This is quite clearly dated 30th March 2015 - within the original remit of my FoI.

I have to say that I find it quite incredible that SNDC do not hold the original MoU. This means that SNDC has signed a legal document, the legal document is still active (being recently extended), yet SNDC don't hold a copy of it - VERY, VERY BAD PRACTICE if you don't mind me saying so! Are you absolutely sure that there is no copy of the MoU at SNDC? I suggest that you ask the senior officers in charge.

I will include this issue of very lax contract oversight in my request for an internal review unless the MoU turns up pretty soon.


Yours sincerely,

Andrew Boswell

Dear Ms Goddard,

As you know, I requested an internal review of this FoI on June 27th - see You'll recall that after an exchange of emails, you said you would try to deliver the MoU document by July 4th. I accepted this whilst confirming that my request for the internal review stayed active as of June 27th 2017.

I am now writing to confirm again that I now require the internal review to start as of June 27th 2017. The revelation that SNDC do not appear to be able to locate a formal contract document for a contract with central government, which is still an active contract, is alarming. So the review should address:
1. Where the document is, and why SNDC are not able to locate a copy of it
2. Obtaining a copy of the document (could DEFRA themselves help you with this aspect? )
3. Promptly finalising the FoI request by providing the document to me.

Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Boswell


3 Attachments

Dear Mr Boswell

I am sorry for the continued confusion regarding this request, I am now able to attach further documentation which I hope is of assistance.


Emma Goddard
Senior Governance Officer
t 01508 533943 e [email address]

South Norfolk Council - Investors In People | Platinum

show quoted sections

Dear Emma.
Thank you for this. I think we've got there and can cancel my internal review request.
Best regards

Andrew Boswell