Graphic and Web Design Spend and Schedule

The request was successful.

Dear Central Sussex College,

I would like to ask a few questions about your prospectus design & artwork and your website design & management

1. Prospectus Design and Artwork

When will you be tendering for your next prospectus?

Who designed your last prospectus and when was this?

How many people tendered for your last prospectus and who were they?

How much did you pay for your last prospectus for the design and artwork?

How many did you get printed?

How much did you pay for the printing?

2. Website Design and Management

When will you be next be tendering for a refresh or redesign of your website?

When was your website last updated in terms of the design, look and feel and when was this?

How many people tendered for your last website refresh and who were they?

How much did this cost?

When will you be next be tendering for a refresh of
your website?

Yours faithfully,

Arthur Burns

quality, Central Sussex College

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Freedom of Information request Graphic and Web Design Spend and Schedule.txt

    1K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Burns,

Thank you for your enquiry of 16 September, which is being dealt with
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know. A fees notice would be issued to you, and you would be
required to pay before we proceed to deal with your request.


If you have any queries about this email, please contact me.


Yours sincerely


Anita Chown

Head of Quality and Development

Central Sussex College

College Road


West Sussex, RH10 1NR
Tel. [1]01293 442246

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quality, Central Sussex College

Dear Mr Burns,


I'm sorry for the delay in response to this request.  I am following this
up with the Head of Department dealing with the enquiry and we will be
in touch in due course.



Jacqui Tullett

Quality and Development Administrator

[1]01293 453427

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Hi Jacqui,

Thanks for letting me know.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Burns

quality, Central Sussex College

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Burns,
Further to my email earlier email, I am now able to advise you details as
requested (please see attachment) that relate to Graphic and Web Design
Spend and Schedule within the College.
Thank you for your patience.
Yours sincerely,
Anita Chown
Head of Quality and Development
Central Sussex College
College Road
West Sussex, RH10 1NR
Tel. 01293 442246

[1]Taster Day 5th Feb 2014
[2]Time for a change?
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Telephone: 0845 1550043 Twitter [5]See our photos on College logo
Fax: 01293 442399 Flickr [6]See our videos on
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5. See our photos on Flickr
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Thanks for you help.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Burns