Graduate Admission Statistics
Dear Imperial College London,
Under the Freedom of Information Act may I kindly request you to provide the following information:
(1) Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for each of the graduate programmes at the Imperial College?
(2) Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for each of the graduate programmes at the Imperial College, for Chinese nationality applicants only?
(3)Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for Chinese nationality applicants at the Imperial College, broke down into the university they attended for their bachelor's degree?
If possible, please can you provide these statistics for the 2020,2019,2018,2017 and 2016 entry admissions cycle?
Yours faithfully,
Ruochen Liu
Dear Ruochen Liu,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request below, made under the Freedom of Information Act. The College will respond to your request by 12th November 2020.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
Dear Ruochen Liu
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find below the College's response to your questions.
"(1) Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for each of the graduate programmes at the Imperial College?
(2) Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for each of the graduate programmes at the Imperial College, for Chinese nationality applicants only?
(3)Can you please provide the number of application, offers and final intake for Chinese nationality applicants at the Imperial College, broke down into the university they attended for their bachelor's degree?
If possible, please can you provide these statistics for the 2020,2019,2018,2017 and 2016 entry admissions cycle?"
Please find attached a spreadsheet showing the following information.
Table 1: Applicants, Offers, and Places Confirmed, for 2016 to 2020 entry, for PGT and MRes programmes, from all applicants.
Table 2: Applicants, Offers, and Places Confirmed, for 2016 to 2020 entry, for PGT and MRes programmes, from all Chinese nationality applicants.
Table 3: Awarding institution of undergraduate degree for all Chinese nationality students who had their Place Confirmed for PGT or MRes entry 2016 to 2020.
The notes on the spreadsheet contain important details about the figures being provided.
Not all of the programmes ran for all years of the period of request. Where a programme was not running, this is shown as N/A on the spreadsheet.
Please note that in all of the Tables, figures of five or fewer, including zero, have been replaced by an asterisk. This is because otherwise individuals may be identifiable from the information, which is therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act.
Please note in addition that for Table 3 it would take well in excess of 18 hours of work to determine the awarding institution of all Chinese nationality applicants and offer holders, and this information is therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act.
If you are unhappy with the way that we have handled your request, you can ask us to conduct a review. Please make your representation in writing within 40 days of the date you received this response. If you remain dissatisfied with how Imperial College has handled your request you may then approach the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
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