Requests similar to 'Grade distribution for Y1 Computer Science Students 22-23'

Statistics for BSc Computer Science courses
Request sent to University College London by David Levine on .


I hope this finds you well. May I please request the data for the following information for each of the listed modules: 1. Number of students takin...
MEng Robotics and AI and Computer Science Module Average
Clarification sent to University College London by Dan Clayton on .

Awaiting response

Dear Finance.FOI Requests, Thank you so much for your response! Please see below the list of all module names and codes. CS Modules Year 1 COMP0...
Dear Muhittin Abuzer Topalak   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 27^th February 2023, and clarification of 1^st March 2023.  ...
UCL Results Computer Science Year 1
Response by University College London to Rowan Illikan on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Rowan   We have completed the compilation of information in response to your request.   I would like the mean, average and top/bottom qua...
UCL Computer Science 2020/2021 Statistics
Response by University College London to Radu on .


Dear Radu   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 25^th October 2021 and clarification of 4^th January 2022.  Apologies for the del...
I request that you kindly provide the past exam papers and solutions from the academic years 2000 - 2020, or for as many years as possible from within...
Computer Science grade distribution
Request sent to University College London by Pranav Agarwal on .

Partially successful

Please could you provide the following information: 1) The (anonymised) year means of all first-year students on the BSc/MEng Computer Science course...
History of Module Results
Request sent to University College London by kim on .


Could you please provide the average marks as well as percentage breakdowns by class (e.g. 1st class, 2.1nd class, 2.2nd class etc) of students taking...
Please could you provide the following information about students on the BSc and MEng Computer Science courses. My request only relates to the cohort o...
Grade statistics for Machine Learning 2022/2023
Request sent to University College London by Jalil on .


I am seeking information on the grade distribution, specifically the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles, along with the total numb...
Percentile Marks for UCL Modules
Request sent to University College London by Pei Wen Lim on .

Partially successful

I would like to request the marks by percentile (including the 25th, 50th, 75th, 80th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles, as well as the highest mark ac...
Computer science graduates
Request sent to University College London by David Mertens on .

Partially successful

I would like to know some information about the course BSc Computer Science. Specifically about the students who were in their final year of study for...
Summary of grades for optional engineering IEP modules
Request sent to University College London by Andrew Zhao on .

Awaiting classification

May I please request the mean and median marks as well as marks by percentile (including 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles) for the fol...
Computer Science dissertation grades
Request sent to University College London by Robert Bouette on .


Please can you tell me for the modules COMP0029 (Individual Project for Year 3 BSc) and COMP0138 (Individual Project for Year 4 MEng) the 50th, 75th, 9...
Percentile Marks for UCL Optional Modules
Request sent to University College London by Joey Zhou on .

Partially successful

I would like to request the marks by percentile (including the 25th, 50th, 75th, 80th, 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles, as well as the highest mark ac...
Grade Summaries for Stat/Beng/Math Modules
Request sent to University College London by Flora on .

Partially successful

I would like to request the 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, 99th and 100th(max) percentile scores and the number of students who achieved these percentiles for...
BSc Biomedical Sciences Module Statistics
Request sent to University College London by Pika Qiu on .


1. May I please request the mean and median marks as well as marks by percentile (including 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles) for the...
UCL Percentile Module Marks
Follow up sent to University College London by Pika Qiu on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Finance.FOI Requests, Thank you very much for your response. If I may, may I please request a few additional data points for the now non-provisi...
UCL MSc Economics Grade Distribution by paper
Request sent to University College London by L Smith on .

Partially successful

I would like to request information on the distribution of marks (specifically, the lowest and highest mark, and the 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th percentiles...
Percentile Module Marks
Request sent to University College London by Pika Qiu on .


May I please request the mean and median marks as well as marks by percentile (including 75th , 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles) for the following UCL...
Module Grade Results
Request sent to University College London by Yifan Chen on .

Awaiting classification

May I please request the mean, median and standard deviation of marks as well as marks by percentile (including the 25th, 75th, 80th, 90th, 95th and 99...
Request for percentile information for UCL MSc course HWSB
Request sent to University College London by tara_tara on .

Awaiting classification

I would like to request the 25th percentile, 50th percentile, 75th percentile, 90th percentile, 95th percentile and 99th percentile scores for the acad...
I am kindly requesting information on the grade distribution, specifically the 50th, 75th, 90th and 95th percentiles, along with the total number of st...
Results for selected maths, economics and statistics modules
Request sent to University College London by Leon Averyanov on .

Awaiting classification

I am kindly requesting information on the grade distribution, specifically the 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 95th percentiles for the following modules fo...
UCL History, Politics and Economics Statistics
Request sent to University College London by Pika Qiu on .

Partially successful

1. May I please request the mean average and median final grades (numeric scale 1-100) and percentage distribution of degree classifications (1:1 - F...