Dear Grampian Health Board

For the attention of the Grampian Gender Identity Clinic

Thank you for your recent reply to my FOI. You mention that follow up is by video or telephone.

Under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 I would like to request the following pieces of information.

1. Is blood monitoring arranged by the Endocrine GIC or GP?

2. Are hormones prescribed by the GIC clinic or by GPs?

Yours faithfully,

Peigi Piper

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

Dear Peigi Piper,


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002


Thank you for your email dated 24 June 2024, requesting information
regarding GP protocol on transgender care.  We have recorded this request
and are currently processing it in accordance with the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002.


A response to your request for information is due by 23 July 2024. Please
allow for delivery time.


We will contact you again in due course.


Best wishes,


Susie Nattrass

Information Governance Officer 

Information Governance Team 


NHS Grampian 

Rosehill House 

Cornhill Road 


AB25 2ZG 


Phone: 01224 554983

[1][NHS Grampian request email] 





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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Dear Peigi Piper


Please find attached response to your request.







Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

NHS Grampian

Rosehill House


AB25 2ZG


Email: [email address]




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