GP Practice Managers Email addresses.
Dear Salford Primary Care Trust (PCT),
Under the F.O.I act, could you kindly please provide me with the postal and email addresses of all Practice Managers within the PCT and the relevant GP surgeries they manage?
I will not be publishing the information you provide to me and will only use it personally to send occasional medical information that may be of interest to Practice managers.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Morgan
Dear Paul
Thank you for your request, which we received on 20/10/2011, regarding the Trusts GP Practice Managers email addresses. This has been logged as a Freedom of Information request and given a reference number of FOIR1356.
Should NHS Salford hold the information that you have requested, we would respectfully ask you not to publish this on any website or in any other publications where:
a charge may be made to access it,
or subscription is charged to access the site.
NHS Salford holds the copyright for any information it produces and would not be prepared to authorise its re-use where a charge is made. This is in accordance with the provisions of the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
We will be in touch again once your request has been processed.
Kind regards
Information Governance and Freedom of Information Team
NHS Salford
0161 212 4754
Dear Paul
Your request under the Freedom of Information Act, FOIR1356 has now been processed, attached is the response report and any associated papers.
Salford NHS holds the copyright for any information it produces and would not be prepared to authorise its re-use where a charge is made. This is in accordance with the provisions of the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. It should also be noted that NHS Salford has released this information in response to this request and does not permit its use for any other purposes.
Please note that any individuals identified do not give permission for their personal data to be processed for the purposes of direct marketing. Appropriate remedies will be sought in respect of any unsolicited marketing information supplied.
We trust these details assist with your enquiries, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Members of the press are advised that our Press Office are happy to take any further questions or provide additional supporting statements on this or other matters regarding NHS Salford on 0161 212 4960.
Kind regards
Information Governance & Freedom of Information Office
NHS Salford
St James House, Pendleton Way, Salford, M6 5FW
0161 212 4754
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Justin Goodchild left an annotation ()
The email addresses have been replaced by your SPAM filter & replaced with XXXXX. Please can you repost with the correct information, Thanks