Gower tip waste disposal history

The request was successful.

Dear Sandwell Borough Council,

I am requesting information concerning the former Albright and Wilson waste disposal site known as The Gower Tip, Tividale. As the former waste regulatory authority I trust that you may hold this information, rather than referring me to the Environment Agency. My Freedom of information request is as follows
1 Can you provide me with a map of the location of this site?
2. A copy of the full waste disposal license and the consents to dispose of waste on the site, and what this waste was and the allowed quantities.
3. The known periods when waste tipping occured at the site and when the site was considered "closed".
4. Confirmation that the site is designated as "contaminated land" and the reasons for this decision?
4. How the site was remediated, if at all?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Carroll

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

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Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Please find attached a letter from Sandwell Council in response to your recent contact.

This letter will advise you of the timescales for response and will provide our contact details should you need to get in touch.

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Please do not reply to this e-mail but instead use the contact details found in the letter.

Dear Sandwell Borough Council,
Teresa Armstrong,

I have not received a response to my Freedom of information Request concerning Gower Tip waste disposal history, when it was indicated that I would receive a response by 12th July. My original request asked
"I am requesting information concerning the former Albright and Wilson waste disposal site known as The Gower Tip, Tividale. As the former waste regulatory authority I trust that you may hold this
information, rather than referring me to the Environment Agency. My Freedom of information request is as follows
1 Can you provide me with a map of the location of this site?
2. A copy of the full waste disposal license and the consents to dispose of waste on the site, and what this waste was and the allowed quantities.
3. The known periods when waste tipping occured at the site and when the site was considered "closed".
4. Confirmation that the site is designated as "contaminated land" and the reasons for this decision?
4. How the site was remediated, if at all?

I hope that you can investigate why I have not received a respone as indicated and can I ask that the response is sent to me via this email address along with the information originally requested.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Carroll

Angela Goddard, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

3 Attachments

Good Afternoon Mr Carroll

Please accept my apologies for the delay in providing you with this
information. Please find attached the response and information you

Kindest Regards

Angela Goddard

Data Protection/Freedom of Information Assistant

Democratic Services

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Sandwell Council House

P Save Paper - Do you really need to print this email?

Dear Angela Goddard,

Ref Gower Tip waste disposal history.

Thankyou for supplying me with the map of the site and information related to the above subject. Could I ask however, in your e mail reply you have refered to site license "SL54"
"I can confirm that the Council does not hold a copy of the waste disposal licence SL54. And I can confirm that the Council has not inspected the site under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, made a determination of contaminated land or served remediation notice."
Could I ask if you have not got a copy of the waste disposal license then how are you able to quote the waste disposal license number, which according to my information is not the site license number for this site in any case?
Given that there is no longer a waste disposal license in operation why have the council not made a determination under part 2(a) of the EPA 1990?

Yours sincerely,

Mr Carroll

Nigel Parr, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Carroll,

Please find attached the Council's response to your recent request for a
review of the Council's handling of your Freedom of Information enquiry
and also a response to the additional information you requested within
your email dated 29th July 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Parr

Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer

Democratic Services

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Sandwell Council House

0121 569 3248

Mr Carroll left an annotation ()

I only feel sorry for the people who disposed of this waste for this company. I suppose they were told it contained "harmless calcium phosphate."