Government Complicit In Treasonous Activities
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please detail the reasons why a Crown Prosecution has not been brought against the Government of the Corporation of the United Kingdom for Treasonous Acts as detailed below:
1. The unilateral signing of the Maastricht Treaty;
2. The unilateral signing of the Lisbon Treaty;
3. The subsequent promise of the post of the Office of the President of Europe to Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, former Labour Prime Minister of the Corporation of the United Kingdom;
4. The unilateral decision of Mr. Blair to abolish the Office of the Lord Chancellor in 2003;
5. The posting of Her Majesty's Armed Forces to areas outside the Queen's sovereign territory, and subsequent posting of foreign troops to the Queen's sovereign territory;
6. The decision to allow the Government-in-power to appoint a nonelected entity to assume the Office of the Prime Minister of the corporation of the United Kingdom on 27 June 2007;
7. The continuation of the act of passing by Royal Assent (by Commission) in the absence of the Queen, Acts of Parliament into statutory Law, which continually and without prejudice as to social status, erodes Common Law rights as given in several documents including the Charter of Liberties, Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the UK Constitution;
8. The continued destruction of our economy by way of debt notes, derivatives trading, drawing of loans beyond our Nation's ability to pay;
9. The use of our Nation's children as currency within and without the boundaries of Her Majesty's sovereign territory without regard to wishes and feelings of the children themselves or their parents, and with complete disregard for the common law rights of the Child and their parents, and the secret court system set in place to expedite these matters in favour of the State;
All these points are provable and evidence of highly treasonous Acts by the UK Government against her Sovereign and her People. We The People do declare that if the Crown Prosecution Service cannot or will not provide satisfactory explanations as to why the Crown Prosecution Service will not act on behalf of Her Majesty and bring the UK Government to book for its many Acts of Treason, then We The People may have to.
Yours faithfully,
James Moore
Mr Harris (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
You are absolutely right Mr Moore and I applaud you for taking your stand
Welcome to the real world 'nutty' is this by name or by nature?
Mr Harris (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
I have no idea 'nutty' obviously you have all the answers?
If you dont know maybe instead of just posting annotations, you could actually use your time posting FOI requests like everybody else and find out.
For attention of Mr James Moore.
Bill Fullerton
Head of Information Management Division
Business Information Systems
Tel: 0207 710 3100
Mob: 07767 336310
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nutty (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
I have no answers but revolution is definitely in the air, isn't it?
James Moore left an annotation ()
Please note that the detailed charges givn in the original post are NOT exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination. This is the tiny tip of a massive iceberg of misuse of trust and our God-given rights as Human Beings, by a select few who have invented a debt curency and used maritime Law to bond us all into slavery.
Ms Chadwick (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Brian Gerrish
Presentation: Child Stealing by the State
Uncovering a conspiracy between public authorities, Social Services, the Police, courts and Government to unlawfully take children from their parents, and pass them into a frightening and often abusive Social Services system. This system is so powerful that local councillors cannot challenge their own Social Services departments about their actions.
In Britain today, a secret court system is stealing and trafficking people’s children. The author Jack Frost summed it up in his book “Gulag of the Family Courts”. Other journalists have described it as – “Child Stealing by the State”.
When a small community newspaper, ‘the UK Column’, was set up in Plymouth to expose massive public sector fraud and corruption, the volunteers had no idea of what was to come. They were shocked at reports of child stealing sent in by parents from across Britain.
In the beginning it was hard to accept some stories as true. Some mothers and fathers appeared traumatised. Could their claims be believed? And then the first mother with evidence arrived in the UK Column office. Ring files of letters, emails and court documentation. The evidence was overwhelming – lies, false evidence, perjury, false psychiatric assessments, kidnapping, psychological pressure, police threats, blatant collusion of defence and prosecution legal teams against the parent, failure to prosecute the perpetrators of medical incompetence and child abuse, and blatant victimisation of the innocent parent – the mother.
Most distressing of all was that the courts had taken absolutely no notice of the child’s own wishes - there existed a brutal conspiracy between public authorities, Social Services, the Police, courts and Government. That conspiracy still exists, and so does the evidence.
In the latest case brought to the UK Column, a young Down’s syndrome girl was repeatedly raped and abused, causing physical injury. The abusers were known and identified by the girl, but no charges were ever brought. Instead her mother who fought to protect her daughter and seek justice was committed to a psychiatric unit. Are these cases mistakes, or failures of the care and family court system? The facts suggest otherwise, and they are reinforced by ‘template’ cases reported from across the UK, Europe and the USA. The events are planned and orchestrated, with support and common purpose at the highest levels.
Within secret family courts, under the total control of a single Judge, who knowingly or unknowingly relies on false evidence, children are being unlawfully taken from their parents, and are passed into a frightening and often abusive Social Services system. This system is so powerful and secretive that not even elected councillors can challenge the actions of their own Local Authority Social Services department. The child snatch cases are gagged under family court confidentiality rules and data protection. The victimised parents and children are denied justice in a corrupt and circular appeal process, which is also held in secret.
In helping parents and children tell their stories, the UK Column has received no less than four injunctions, preventing detailed reporting. In one recent court case, regarded by those present as biased against the mother, the court used the Peter Wright MI5 ‘Spycatcher’ official secrets act case as the precedence case to prevent the mother publishing her story of child kidnap. When other parents reported that SS officials were like emotionless ‘little robots’, the truth began to unfold. Hear the full truth at AVIII.
For the attention of Mr James Moore.
Bill Fullerton
Head of Information Management Division
Business Information Systems
Tel: 0207 710 3100
Mob: 07767 336310
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and may be recorded to secure effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
James Moore left an annotation ()
The Treason Felony Act 1848 (11 & 12 Vict. c. 12) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Act is still in force.
It is treason felony to "compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend":
* to deprive the Queen of her crown,
* to levy war against the Queen, or
* to "move or stir" any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the Queen.
The Lisbon Treaty and any other Treaty intending to hand legislative power of this Nation over to a Foreign Power is evidence in itself of commission of Treason Felony as defined by the 1848 Act.
WHO thinks they are above the LAW?
Kevin left an annotation ()
In other words Ms. Chadwick, your freedom of information request cannot be completed because the powers that be would never reveal in a million years to the public that lawless child stealing family courts are stealing our children for their own benefit, they are scumbags and they are evil, however, what they fail to realize is that people are waking up and the mew world order WILL fail, let me reassure you on that one. To any official who is reading this and is involved with such systems described above take this advice : watch your back because very soon the house of cards is going to collapse and you and your masters are going to feel the wrath of true freedom, not the pretend freedom you call democracy, which you bully the world into at the cost of millions of lives, but TRUE FREEDOM. Good luck Ms Chadwick, and never ever give up fighting. I know I won't.
Stuart left an annotation ()
I think they should re-read the Fraud Act 2006 about withholding information, which makes them complicit and third party liable in the crimes above. Lest not forget "modification of contract" fraud also.
Peter:Brewster left an annotation ()
Here here, seconded, arrest the lot of them as they only have the powers we give them, Private prosecutions are the way forward in these matters so bite the bullet and take em to court.
Or start a Grand Jury where we can summons anyone to account and ask Questions of them
Peter:Brewster left an annotation ()
All prosecutions were at one time taken out by the public its only now that the CPS take over issues So my friends take out private prosecutions for treason, Do it don't just bitch about it, to change the action must be taken.
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James Moore left an annotation ()
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