The request was successful.

Dear Post Office Limited,

Could you please explain why the Subspace Online Forum used by Sub-Postmasters to communicate has been shut down by Post Office Ltd. After reading Paula Vennells statement below I would have thought Post Office Ltd would have encouraged online interaction not stifle it.

Who gave the order to shut the Online forum down.

The Post Office supports Go ON UK’s drive to make sure everyone in the UK has the online skills they need for the future. We are going to provide digital training and support for our 8,000 Post Office staff and will encourage them to achieve a universal level of skill. Not only does being digitally aware benefit our staff, it also makes them perfectly placed to have face- to-face conversations with customers who need help getting to grips with the internet. We’ll also be introducing an online search tool across our network of over 11,500 branches, which will enable staff to signpost customers to the best local access, training and informal online support for them offered by organisations, including UK Online centres and libraries.
Paula Vennells, CEO

Yours faithfully,

Pat Aspinall

FOIA, Post Office Limited

Dear Ms Aspinall,


Ref: CALS-92HKR6


Thank you for your email received on 29 November 2012, which we are
considering under the Freedom of Information Act.  Under the Act you
should expect a reply from us to be sent by 31 December 2012, which is
twenty working days from receipt of your request.


If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
that time, we will contact you explaining the reasons for this and giving
a revised date by which we will reply. 


If in the meantime, you have any questions or would like to contact us
about your request, please contact us by telephone 0207 250 2647 or
alternatively email or write to us. Please be assured that we are giving
this our attention and will get back to you shortly.


Yours sincerely




Cory Alexis

Information Rights Team Support


Post Office Ltd

1^st Floor

Old Street Wing

148 Old Street



Post Office Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Registered No.
2154540. Registered Office 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ. Post Office
and the Post Office logo are registered trade marks of Post Office Ltd.


show quoted sections

FOIA, Post Office Limited

Dear Ms Aspinall,


Re: Freedom of Information Request – CALS-(92HKR6)


I am writing in response to your enquiry received by Post Office Limited
on 29 November 2012, which I am dealing with under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.


In your email, you have requested information in two parts:


Could you please explain why the Subspace Online Forum used by
Sub-Postmasters to communicate has been shut down by Post Office Limited? 


The Forum was intended to provide an effective way for Post Office Limited
to communicate with subpostmasters and for subpostmasters to connect with
one another. During this time a relatively small number of subpostmasters
had used the online forum on a regular basis, we found that the
effectiveness of the forum had not been achieved.  


The Subspaceonline Intranet website remains an important part of our
communications strategy, an interactive Q&A section has been recently
introduced along with a series of web chats for subpostmasters. For the
New Year there are also plans for a wider refresh of the site including
new collaborative tools and a mobile application.


Who gave the order to shut the online forum down?


I can advise that Post Office Limited’s Communications Team who manage
Subspaceonline made the decision to remove the forum.


I hope the information I have provided on this occasion is useful.
However, if you are dissatisfied with the handling of this response, you
do have a right to request an internal review. You can do this by writing
to the address below stating your reasons for your internal review


Senior Engagement & Involvement Manager

Post Office Ltd

1^st Floor, Old Street Wing

148 Old Street



[1][Post Office request email]  


If, having requested an internal review by Post Office Ltd, you are still
not satisfied with our response you also have a right of appeal to the
Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545 700



Yours sincerely





Cory Alexis

Information Rights Support


Post Office Ltd

1^st Floor

Old Street Wing

148 Old Street



Post Office Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Registered No.
2154540. Registered Office 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ. Post Office
and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Ltd.


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