Go Local Funding Initiative

The request was successful.

Dear Sheffield City Council,

Please can you provide me with details of the "Go Local" funding initiative that was used to finance the CCTV installations in tower blocks in Netherthorpe and Sheffield.

Specificly we would like to know,

1. Where the funding comes from.

2. How much funding was available.

3. What the stated purpose of the funding is.

4. How this funding was divided amongst different area's within each ward.

5. How much funding was allocated to spend on each tower block in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe.

6. Who is responsible for deciding what this funding will be spent on.

7. All additional projects that were considerd in addition to the CCTV

8. The complete register of interests for all persons whom attended any meeting in Sheffield in which the allocation of Go Local funding was decided.

9. Details of all the steps taken to ensure public participation in meetings throughout Sheffield where Go Local funding was allocated including copies of invitations to meetings and explanations of the funding available and the purposes to which it could be used.

10. Details of members of the public who actually attended any of the meetings where Go Local funding was allocated.

11. Details of the tendering process including the original application to tender, all the bids placed by companies to install CCTV in the Tower Blocks in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe and details of the company that eventually won the contract.

12. The estimated cost of removing the CCTV in the tower blocks in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe should the residents reject the CCTV once informed of the new purposes to which it will be used.

Yours faithfully,

M. McCullagh

FOI, Sheffield City Council

Re – Freedom of Information Request – Reference – FOI / 874
Dear Martin McCullagh
Thank you for your recent request for information relating to CTV
installation, funding and management which we received on 06/10/2014.
This has been logged as a Freedom of Information Request, and will be
dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act.  The reference number for
your request can be found above.
The Freedom of Information Act states that we must respond to you within
20 working days, therefore, you should expect to hear a response from us
by 03/11/2014.
In the meantime, if you have any queries please contact me on 0114
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Support Team
Moorfoot Level 8 West Wing
Sheffield S1 4PL
Tel : 0114 2053478
E-mail : [1]FOI @sheffield.gov.uk
P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to
From: M. McCullagh [[2]mailto:[FOI #232779 email]]
Sent: 04 October 2014 12:27
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Go Local Funding Initiative
Dear Sheffield City Council,
Please can you provide me with details of the "Go Local" funding
initiative that was used to finance the CCTV installations in tower blocks
in Netherthorpe and Sheffield.
Specificly we would like to know,
1. Where the funding comes from.
2. How much funding was available.
3. What the stated purpose of the funding is.
4. How this funding was divided amongst different area's within each ward.
5. How much funding was allocated to spend on each  tower block in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe.
6. Who is responsible for deciding what this funding will be spent on.
7. All additional projects that were considerd in addition to the CCTV
8. The complete register of interests for all persons whom attended any
meeting in Sheffield in which the allocation of Go Local funding was
9. Details of all the steps taken to ensure public participation in
meetings throughout Sheffield where Go Local funding was allocated
including copies of  invitations to meetings and explanations of the
funding available and the purposes to which it could be used.
10. Details of members of the public who actually attended any of the
meetings where Go Local funding was allocated.
11. Details of the tendering process including  the original application
to tender, all the bids placed by companies to install CCTV in the Tower
Blocks in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe and details of the company that
eventually won the contract.
12. The estimated cost of removing the CCTV in the tower blocks in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe should the residents reject the CCTV once
informed of the new purposes to which it will be used.
Yours faithfully,
M. McCullagh
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[3][FOI #232779 email]
Is [4][Sheffield City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom
of Information requests to Sheffield City Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

show quoted sections

Spillings Jon (CEX), Sheffield City Council

32 Attachments

Dear Mr McCullagh,


Thank you for your email.


Please find the City Council’s response below to your questions for
details of the "Go Local" funding initiative that was used to finance the
CCTV installations in tower blocks in Netherthorpe and Sheffield. 


1. Where the funding comes from?


The money for ‘Going Local’ comes from the Housing Revenue Account. 


2. How much funding was available?


These details are included in the North West Area Board Minutes and the
Going Local Board of Director Report; these documents were provided to you
on July 14^th and are available on the What Do They Know website ([1]link
to web page). 


3. What the stated purpose of the funding is?


These details are included in the North West Reports and the Going Local
Board of Director Report; these documents were provided to you on July
14^th and are available on the What Do They Know website ([2]link to web


4. How this funding was divided amongst different area's within each ward?


Funding is provided to Housing Areas rather than wards. The details of the
Going Local funding to the different Housing Areas were included in the
documents provided to you on July 14^th and are available on the What Do
They Know website ([3]link to web page). 


5. How much funding was allocated to spend on each tower block in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe?


£7522.04 per block


6. Who is responsible for deciding what this funding will be spent on?


These details were provided in our response to you on July 14^th and are
available on the What Do They Know website ([4]link to web page). 


7. All additional projects that were considered in addition to the CCTV?


Going Local-funded initiatives and The CCTV installation and other ideas
were discussed at the Local Housing Forum meetings on March 7^th 2013 and
May 2^nd 2013.  The minutes of those meetings were provided to you on July
14^th and are available on the What Do They Know website ([5]link to web


Going Local funding has been discussed at Area Board Meetings and the
minutes and associated reports are attached. 


8. The complete register of interests for all persons whom attended any
meeting in Sheffield in which the allocation of Go Local funding was


The decision to allocate Going Local funding is made by the Cabinet member
following recommendations made by the Area Board meetings. 


The attendees of the Area Board meetings are required to declare any
interests at the beginning of the meeting to be recorded in the minutes
(see attached).


9. Details of all the steps taken to ensure public participation in
meetings throughout Sheffield where Go Local funding was allocated
including copies of invitations to meetings and explanations of the
funding available and the purposes to which it could be used.


Public notices about Area Board meetings were displayed in local housing
offices. Agendas were sent to all TARA Chairs and Secretaries. Agendas and
agenda papers were placed on the Council Housing website.


10. Details of members of the public who actually attended any of the
meetings where Go Local funding was allocated.


The Area Board Meeting Minutes record the number of people from the
general public present at the meeting (see attached).


11. Details of the tendering process including the original application to
tender, all the bids placed by companies to install CCTV in the Tower
Blocks in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe and details of the company that
eventually won the contract.


The Invitation to Tender is attached. The name of the company awarded the
contract is ADT Fire and Security


With regards to the tender documents submitted as part of the tender
process, these documents are considered to be exempt from disclosure under
Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  When information is
refused, we are required to provide an explanation why and if necessary
provide a public interest test. 


Section 41 provides information is exempt if it is given by someone to the
City Council in circumstances which create a duty of confidence and the
disclosure of the information (without the knowledge, authority or
reasonable expectation of the provider) would be an actionable breach of
that duty of confidence.   The request for the tender documents falls
within scope of Section 41 because the tender process is considered to be
a submission in confidence, which may result in action against the Council
if the information is disclosed.  Please note Section 41 is an absolute
exemption and therefore a public interest test is not required. For
further information about the exemptions and general guidance, please see
the Information commissioner’s website at [6]www.ico.org.uk.


12. The estimated cost of removing the CCTV in the tower blocks in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe should the residents reject the CCTV once
informed of the new purposes to which it will be used.


The removal of the CCTV cameras is estimated to be approximately £1500 per



I hope the information we have provided is of help to your enquiries. 


If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your
request, you are entitled to have this reviewed.  You can ask for an
internal review by either writing to the above address or by emailing
[7][email address].


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your internal review, you
can contact the Information Commissioners Office. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123
113, or for further details see their website [8]www.ico.org.uk


Yours sincerely,

FOI Support Team

Moorfoot Level 8 West Wing

Sheffield S1 4PL

Tel : 0114 20 53478

E-mail : [9]FOI @sheffield.gov.uk

P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to







From: M. McCullagh [mailto:[FOI #232779 email]]
Sent: 04 October 2014 12:27
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Go Local Funding Initiative




Dear Sheffield City Council,


Please can you provide me with details of the "Go Local" funding
initiative that was used to finance the CCTV installations in tower blocks
in Netherthorpe and Sheffield.


Specificly we would like to know,


1. Where the funding comes from.


2. How much funding was available.


3. What the stated purpose of the funding is.


4. How this funding was divided amongst different area's within each ward.


5. How much funding was allocated to spend on each  tower block in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe.


6. Who is responsible for deciding what this funding will be spent on.


7. All additional projects that were considerd in addition to the CCTV


8. The complete register of interests for all persons whom attended any
meeting in Sheffield in which the allocation of Go Local funding was


9. Details of all the steps taken to ensure public participation in
meetings throughout Sheffield where Go Local funding was allocated
including copies of  invitations to meetings and explanations of the
funding available and the purposes to which it could be used.


10. Details of members of the public who actually attended any of the
meetings where Go Local funding was allocated.


11. Details of the tendering process including  the original application
to tender, all the bids placed by companies to install CCTV in the Tower
Blocks in Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe and details of the company that
eventually won the contract.


12. The estimated cost of removing the CCTV in the tower blocks in
Netherthorpe and Upperthorpe should the residents reject the CCTV once
informed of the new purposes to which it will be used.


Yours faithfully,


M. McCullagh




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FOI #232779 email]


Is [11][Sheffield City Council request email] the wrong address for
Freedom of Information requests to Sheffield City Council? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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FOI, Sheffield City Council

33 Attachments

Dear Mr McCullagh,


As per first email FOI response see attached.



FOI Support Team

Moorfoot Level 8 West Wing

Sheffield S1 4PL

Tel : 0114 20 53478

E-mail : [1]FOI @sheffield.gov.uk

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