GMC Complaints That Led To Sanctions, and Investigation Timelines Over the Last 24 Months
Dear General Medical Council,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I would like to request the following data for the past two years (either calendar years or the last 24 months):
1) The total number of complaints made at Stage 1 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
2) The total number of complaints made at Stage 2 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
3) The total number of complaints made at Stage 3 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
4) The total number of complaints made under Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practice Rules and how many of these complaints resulted in a reversal of a decision.
5) At each of the above stages (Stages 1, 2, 3, and Rule 12 complaints), how many complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within the GMC’s stated aim of completing investigations within ten working days of receiving a complaint.
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Margrett
Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.
Your receipt of this means that we have safely received your email.
We are currently receiving a high volume of requests and there will be a
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as soon as we can.
Since 6 December 2023, the GMC has been subject to the Welsh Language
Standards. You are welcome to contact us in Welsh and we will respond in
Welsh, without this causing additional delay.
In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website: [1]Home - GMC (
General Medical Council
We work with doctors, patients, and other stakeholders to support good,
safe patient care across the UK. We set the standards doctors and those
who train them need to meet, and help them achieve them. If there are
concerns these standards may not be met or that public confidence in
doctors may be at risk, we can investigate, and take action if needed.
This email may contain privileged or confidential information which should
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do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it or any
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The General Medical Council is a charity registered in England and Wales
(1089278) and in Scotland (SC037750)
You are welcome to contact us in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh, without
this causing additional delay.
Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol
Rydym yn gweithio gyda meddygon, cleifion a rhanddeiliaid eraill i
gynorthwyo gofal da a diogel i gleifion ar draws y DU. Rydym yn gosod y
safonau y bydd angen i feddygon a’r rhai sy’n eu hyfforddi eu bodloni, ac
yn eu helpu i’w cyflawni. Os bydd pryderon efallai na fydd y safonau hyn
yn cael eu cyflawni neu y gallai hyder y cyhoedd mewn meddygon fod mewn
perygl, gallwn ymchwilio, a gweithredu os oes angen.
Efallai bod y neges e-bost hon yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freiniol neu
gyfrinachol, y dylid ei defnyddio at y diben y’i hanfonwyd yn unig.
Os nad chi yw’r derbynnydd neu os ydych chi wedi cael yr e-bost hwn mewn
camgymeriad, peidiwch â’i ddarllen, argraffu, ail-anfon, storio na
gweithredu mewn ffordd sy’n dibynnu arni neu unrhyw atodiadau os gwelwch
yn dda. Dylech anfon e-bost at yr anfonwr ac yna, ei ddileu ar unwaith.
Mae’r Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yn elusen gofrestredig yng Nghymru a
Lloegr (1089278) ac yn Yr Alban (SC037750)
Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg,
heb i hyn achosi oedi ychwanegol.
Visible links
Dear Stephen Margrett,
Your information request – IR1-4620643127
Thank you for your Email below dated 4^th October 2024.
How we will consider your request
We are going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come
back to you as soon as we can.
Your request will be allocated to a member of the team. If you have any
queries please email [1][GMC request email].
Yours Sincerely,
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
From: Stephen Margrett <[FOI #1183411 email]>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 1:44 PM
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - GMC Complaints That Led To
Sanctions, and Investigation Timelines Over the Last 24 Months
Dear General Medical Council, I am writing to request information under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I would like to request
the following data for the past two years (either calendar years or the
last 24 months): 1) The
Dear General Medical Council,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I would like to request the following data for the past two years (either calendar years or the last 24 months):
1) The total number of complaints made at Stage 1 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
2) The total number of complaints made at Stage 2 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
3) The total number of complaints made at Stage 3 of the GMC complaints procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
4) The total number of complaints made under Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practice Rules and how many of these complaints resulted in a reversal of a decision.
5) At each of the above stages (Stages 1, 2, 3, and Rule 12 complaints), how many complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within the GMC’s stated aim of completing investigations within ten working days of receiving a complaint.
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Margrett
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #1183411 email]
Is [3][GMC request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to General Medical Council? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Mr Margrett
I write in regards to your request received on 4 October 2024, where you
request the following.
1) The total number of complaints made at Stage 1 of the GMC complaints
procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
2) The total number of complaints made at Stage 2 of the GMC complaints
procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
3) The total number of complaints made at Stage 3 of the GMC complaints
procedure and how many of these complaints led to a sanction.
4) The total number of complaints made under Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to
Practice Rules and how many of these complaints resulted in a reversal of
a decision.
5) At each of the above stages (Stages 1, 2, 3, and Rule 12 complaints),
how many complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within
the GMC’s stated aim of completing investigations within ten working days
of receiving a complaint.
I believe that the stages that you are referring to in questions 1-3 were
taken from the following page of our website: [1]How will you handle my
complaint about your service? - GMC (
It is important to note that the complaints referred to in the link are in
reference to complaints about our service, which do not lead to sanctions,
rather than fitness to practise complaints about doctors which can lead to
If you are requesting information in relation to fitness to practise
complaints, we would potentially be able to provide you with the number of
complaints received within a specified time period, with the outcome of
said complaints. If this is the information that you require please let me
know, along with the timeframe required i.e. complaints within the last 3
We should be able to look into your request under question 4, but would be
grateful if you could please provide a specified timeframe.
Due to the misunderstanding regarding complaints about our service versus
fitness to practise complaints, question 4 is not accurate. For
information on the timeframes of fitness to practise investigations,
please see: [2]Our investigation process - GMC (
A more accurate question may be, how many fitness to practise complaints
are concluded within six months. Again, if this is the information that
you require, please let me know.
I hope that the above is clear – please let me know if you have any
Kind regards,
Remi Owolabi (she/her)
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Email: [3][email address]
General Medical Council
We work with doctors, patients, and other stakeholders to support good,
safe patient care across the UK. We set the standards doctors and those
who train them need to meet, and help them achieve them. If there are
concerns these standards may not be met or that public confidence in
doctors may be at risk, we can investigate, and take action if needed.
This email may contain privileged or confidential information which should
only be used for the purpose for which it has been sent.
If you are not the addressee or have received this email in error, please
do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it or any
attachments. Please email the sender and then immediately delete it.
The General Medical Council is a charity registered in England and Wales
(1089278) and in Scotland (SC037750)
You are welcome to contact us in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh, without
this causing additional delay.
Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol
Rydym yn gweithio gyda meddygon, cleifion a rhanddeiliaid eraill i
gynorthwyo gofal da a diogel i gleifion ar draws y DU. Rydym yn gosod y
safonau y bydd angen i feddygon a’r rhai sy’n eu hyfforddi eu bodloni, ac
yn eu helpu i’w cyflawni. Os bydd pryderon efallai na fydd y safonau hyn
yn cael eu cyflawni neu y gallai hyder y cyhoedd mewn meddygon fod mewn
perygl, gallwn ymchwilio, a gweithredu os oes angen.
Efallai bod y neges e-bost hon yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freiniol neu
gyfrinachol, y dylid ei defnyddio at y diben y’i hanfonwyd yn unig.
Os nad chi yw’r derbynnydd neu os ydych chi wedi cael yr e-bost hwn mewn
camgymeriad, peidiwch â’i ddarllen, argraffu, ail-anfon, storio na
gweithredu mewn ffordd sy’n dibynnu arni neu unrhyw atodiadau os gwelwch
yn dda. Dylech anfon e-bost at yr anfonwr ac yna, ei ddileu ar unwaith.
Mae’r Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yn elusen gofrestredig yng Nghymru a
Lloegr (1089278) ac yn Yr Alban (SC037750)
Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg,
heb i hyn achosi oedi ychwanegol.
Visible links
3. mailto:[email%20address]
Dear Remi Owolabi,
Thank you for your response. To clarify, I would like to request information pertaining to two different areas.
First, regarding fitness to practise complaints (complaints against doctors), I would like to request the following:
1. The total number of fitness to practise complaints received at Stage 1 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
2. The total number of fitness to practise complaints referred to Stage 2 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
3. The total number of fitness to practise complaints escalated to Stage 3 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
4. The total number of complaints reviewed under Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules in the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a reversal of a decision.
5. For each of these stages (Stages 1, 2, 3, and Rule 12), I would like to know how many complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within six months.
Second, regarding complaints about the GMC’s service (how the GMC handles complaints about itself), I would like to request the following:
1. The total number of complaints made at each stage of the GMC’s service complaints procedure over the past two years.
2. How many of these complaints were successfully resolved within ten working days, as per the GMC’s target, which is advertised on your website.
I would appreciate it if you could provide this data for the last two years.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
Dear Mr Margrett
I’m afraid that there is still some misunderstanding.
Stages 1-3 where individuals can submit complaints, refers to complaints
about our service and not fitness to practise complaints about doctors.
I believe that you are requesting the following in regards to fitness to
practise complaints:
1. The total number of complaints received within the last two years, and
how many of these resulted in a sanction.
2. How many of the aforementioned complaints were successfully
investigated and concluded within six months.
3. The total number of complaints reviewed under Rule 12 of the GMC
Fitness to Practise Rules in the past two years, and how many of these
resulted in a reversal of a decision.
I’d be grateful if you could please confirm whether this is the
information you are requesting.
The information that you require in regards to complaints about our
service is as follows:
4.The total number of complaints made at each stage of the GMC’s service
complaints procedure over the past two years.
5. How many of these complaints were successfully resolved within ten
working days, as per the GMC’s target, which is advertised on your
This request is clear and is something that I should be able to look into
for you.
I look forward to hearing from you in relation to questions 1-3.
Kind regards
Remi Owolabi (she/her)
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Email: [1][email address]
From: Stephen Margrett <[FOI #1183411 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 4:09 PM
To: Remi Owolabi <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Your information request - IR1-4620643127
Dear Remi Owolabi, Thank you for your response. To clarify, I would like
to request information pertaining to two different areas. First, regarding
fitness to practise complaints (complaints against doctors), I would like
to request the following:
Dear Remi Owolabi,
Thank you for your response. To clarify, I would like to request information pertaining to two different areas.
First, regarding fitness to practise complaints (complaints against doctors), I would like to request the following:
1. The total number of fitness to practise complaints received at Stage 1 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
2. The total number of fitness to practise complaints referred to Stage 2 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
3. The total number of fitness to practise complaints escalated to Stage 3 within the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a sanction.
4. The total number of complaints reviewed under Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules in the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a reversal of a decision.
5. For each of these stages (Stages 1, 2, 3, and Rule 12), I would like to know how many complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within six months.
Second, regarding complaints about the GMC’s service (how the GMC handles complaints about itself), I would like to request the following:
1. The total number of complaints made at each stage of the GMC’s service complaints procedure over the past two years.
2. How many of these complaints were successfully resolved within ten working days, as per the GMC’s target, which is advertised on your website.
I would appreciate it if you could provide this data for the last two years.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
Dear Remi Owolabi,
To further clarify, yes, you are correct in your understanding of points 1-3 regarding fitness to practise complaints. I am requesting the total number of fitness to practise complaints received within the last two years and how many of these resulted in a sanction. Additionally, I would like to know how many of these complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within six months. Regarding Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules, I am asking for the total number of complaints reviewed under Rule 12 in the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a reversal of a decision.
I would like to further clarify my request by asking for more detail on the number of complaints handled at each stage of the fitness to practise process. Specifically, I would like to know how many complaints were assessed at Stage 1, how many were referred for further investigation, and how many resulted in a sanction. I would also like to know the number of complaints referred to Stage 2 and how many of these resulted in a sanction, as well as the number of complaints escalated to Stage 3 and how many resulted in a sanction. For each of these stages, I would appreciate knowing how many complaints were concluded within six months.
With regard to complaints about the GMC’s service, you have correctly understood my request. I am indeed asking for the total number of complaints made at each stage of the GMC’s service complaints procedure over the past two years, and I would like to know how many of these were successfully resolved within ten working days, as per the GMC’s target that is advertised on your website.
I hope this provides full clarity and answers your questions.
Kind regards
Stephen Margrett.
Dear Mr Margrett
I write in regards to the section highlighted in yellow.
To clarify, we do not refer to any part of our fitness to practise process
as stage 1, stage 2 or stage 3.
For this reason, I am struggling to understand what you are referring to
in the section highlighted in yellow.
I believe that you may be asking the following:
1. How many complaints we received
2. How many complaints were investigated
3. How many of the cases investigated resulted in a sanction
4. How many of the above were concluded within six months
I believe that all of the above are in relation to the last two years.
Please confirm if the above is correct.
Many thanks,
From: Stephen Margrett <[FOI #1183411 email]>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2024 1:55 PM
To: Remi Owolabi <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Your information request - IR1-4620643127
Dear Remi Owolabi, To further clarify, yes, you are correct in your
understanding of points 1-3 regarding fitness to practise complaints. I am
requesting the total number of fitness to practise complaints received
within the last two years and
Dear Remi Owolabi,
To further clarify, yes, you are correct in your understanding of points 1-3 regarding fitness to practise complaints. I am requesting the total number of fitness to practise complaints received within the last two years and how many of these resulted in a sanction. Additionally, I would like to know how many of these complaints were successfully investigated and concluded within six months. Regarding Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules, I am asking for the total number of complaints reviewed under Rule 12 in the past two years, and how many of these resulted in a reversal of a decision.
I would like to further clarify my request by asking for more detail on the number of complaints handled at each stage of the fitness to practise process. Specifically, I would like to know how many complaints were assessed at Stage 1, how many were referred for further investigation, and how many resulted in a sanction. I would also like to know the number of complaints referred to Stage 2 and how many of these resulted in a sanction, as well as the number of complaints escalated to Stage 3 and how many resulted in a sanction. For each of these stages, I would appreciate knowing how many complaints were concluded within six months.
With regard to complaints about the GMC’s service, you have correctly understood my request. I am indeed asking for the total number of complaints made at each stage of the GMC’s service complaints procedure over the past two years, and I would like to know how many of these were successfully resolved within ten working days, as per the GMC’s target that is advertised on your website.
I hope this provides full clarity and answers your questions.
Kind regards
Stephen Margrett.
Dear Remi Owolabi,
It seems there is still some confusion, so I would like to clarify my request once again.
1. Fitness to Practise Complaints
I am asking for data related to fitness to practise complaints (complaints about doctors). For the past two years, I would like the following information:
The total number of fitness to practise complaints received.
The number of these complaints that were investigated.
The number of these complaints that resulted in a sanction.
The number of complaints that were concluded within six months.
Additionally, regarding Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules:
The total number of Rule 12 reviews conducted in the past two years.
The number of these Rule 12 reviews that resulted in a reversal of a decision.
2. Service Complaints
Separately, I am requesting data on complaints about the GMC’s service (how the GMC handles complaints about itself). Specifically, I am asking for:
The total number of service complaints made at each stage of the three-stage complaints process over the past two years.
The number of these complaints that were resolved within the ten working days target mentioned on your website.
If you do not have this specific data, please provide any relevant data you do have and explain why this basic information is unavailable.
I trust this is now clear, and I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
Dear Mr Margrett
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that your request is now clear.
I will be in touch with your response soon.
Yours sincerely
From: Stephen Margrett <[FOI #1183411 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 1:26 PM
To: Remi Owolabi <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Your information request - IR1-4620643127
Dear Remi Owolabi, It seems there is still some confusion, so I would like
to clarify my request once again. 1. Fitness to Practise Complaints I am
asking for data related to fitness to practise complaints (complaints
about doctors). For the
Dear Remi Owolabi,
It seems there is still some confusion, so I would like to clarify my request once again.
1. Fitness to Practise Complaints
I am asking for data related to fitness to practise complaints (complaints about doctors). For the past two years, I would like the following information:
The total number of fitness to practise complaints received.
The number of these complaints that were investigated.
The number of these complaints that resulted in a sanction.
The number of complaints that were concluded within six months.
Additionally, regarding Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules:
The total number of Rule 12 reviews conducted in the past two years.
The number of these Rule 12 reviews that resulted in a reversal of a decision.
2. Service Complaints
Separately, I am requesting data on complaints about the GMC’s service (how the GMC handles complaints about itself). Specifically, I am asking for:
The total number of service complaints made at each stage of the three-stage complaints process over the past two years.
The number of these complaints that were resolved within the ten working days target mentioned on your website.
If you do not have this specific data, please provide any relevant data you do have and explain why this basic information is unavailable.
I trust this is now clear, and I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
Dear Remi Owolabi,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding your failure to respond to my Freedom of Information (FOI) request within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days. As you are undoubtedly aware, compliance with this timeframe is not optional but a legal obligation. Your failure to meet this standard is both disappointing and unacceptable.
As an organisation tasked with regulating the medical profession and upholding standards, the GMC is expected to demonstrate accountability and professionalism. Unfortunately, this delay, coupled with the confusion surrounding my initial request, reflects poorly on your ability to fulfil these fundamental responsibilities. It is particularly troubling that an institution of your stature exhibits such disregard for its obligations.
This situation is not only a breach of your legal duties but also a failure to maintain the trust of those who depend on your organisation to act with integrity. I find this delay indicative of a broader pattern of inefficiency, which undermines confidence in your ability to uphold the standards you promote.
I request that this matter be investigated immediately, and that the requested information be provided without any further delay. Your failure to comply with the statutory requirements must be addressed as a priority. I expect a prompt and comprehensive response, along with an explanation for the delay.
I trust you will treat this matter with the urgency it deserves. Continued failure to respond appropriately will necessitate further action.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
Dear Mr Margrett
Your information access request
Thank you for your email dated 22 October.
I’ve considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA). Please see my response to your request below.
1. Fitness to Practise Complaints
I am asking for data related to fitness to practise complaints (complaints
about doctors). For the past two years, I would like the following
The total number of fitness to practise complaints received.
The number of these complaints that were investigated.
The number of these complaints that resulted in a sanction.
The number of complaints that were concluded within six months.
Please see the attachment ‘FTP – Complaints within the last two years’.
Please note the following:
• In order to provide more complete data we have based this extract on
complaints received in 2022 and 2023.
• ‘# Complaints’ will include multiple doctors. A complaint is a concern
raised about the fitness to practise of a single doctor, however a
doctor may have received multiple complaints over this time period.
Additionally, regarding Rule 12 of the GMC Fitness to Practise Rules:
The total number of Rule 12 reviews conducted in the past two years.
The number of these Rule 12 reviews that resulted in a reversal of a
Please see the attachment ‘Rule 12 decisions and service complaints.’
Again, the data is based on the past two full years.
Please note that each row within the Rule 12 table represents requests
received or decisions made within each year, therefore each row must be
read separately as they are not linked.
2. Service Complaints
Separately, I am requesting data on complaints about the GMC’s service
(how the GMC handles complaints about itself). Specifically, I am asking
The total number of service complaints made at each stage of the
three-stage complaints process over the past two years.
The number of these complaints that were resolved within the ten
working days target mentioned on your website.
Please see the second table in the attachment ‘Rule 12 decisions and
service complaints’ for data relating to complaints received in 2022 and
Who to contact
I hope you find this information useful. If you have any queries about
this, or need anything further, please contact me on the details below.
Yours sincerely
Remi Owolabi (she/her)
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
General Medical Council
We work with doctors, patients, and other stakeholders to support good,
safe patient care across the UK. We set the standards doctors and those
who train them need to meet, and help them achieve them. If there are
concerns these standards may not be met or that public confidence in
doctors may be at risk, we can investigate, and take action if needed.
This email may contain privileged or confidential information which should
only be used for the purpose for which it has been sent.
If you are not the addressee or have received this email in error, please
do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it or any
attachments. Please email the sender and then immediately delete it.
The General Medical Council is a charity registered in England and Wales
(1089278) and in Scotland (SC037750)
You are welcome to contact us in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh, without
this causing additional delay.
Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol
Rydym yn gweithio gyda meddygon, cleifion a rhanddeiliaid eraill i
gynorthwyo gofal da a diogel i gleifion ar draws y DU. Rydym yn gosod y
safonau y bydd angen i feddygon a’r rhai sy’n eu hyfforddi eu bodloni, ac
yn eu helpu i’w cyflawni. Os bydd pryderon efallai na fydd y safonau hyn
yn cael eu cyflawni neu y gallai hyder y cyhoedd mewn meddygon fod mewn
perygl, gallwn ymchwilio, a gweithredu os oes angen.
Efallai bod y neges e-bost hon yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freiniol neu
gyfrinachol, y dylid ei defnyddio at y diben y’i hanfonwyd yn unig.
Os nad chi yw’r derbynnydd neu os ydych chi wedi cael yr e-bost hwn mewn
camgymeriad, peidiwch â’i ddarllen, argraffu, ail-anfon, storio na
gweithredu mewn ffordd sy’n dibynnu arni neu unrhyw atodiadau os gwelwch
yn dda. Dylech anfon e-bost at yr anfonwr ac yna, ei ddileu ar unwaith.
Mae’r Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yn elusen gofrestredig yng Nghymru a
Lloegr (1089278) ac yn Yr Alban (SC037750)
Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg,
heb i hyn achosi oedi ychwanegol.
Dear Mr Margrett
I sincerely apologise for the delay in processing your request.
As you will see, I have now sent your response.
If you would like to request an internal review, please set out your
reasons in writing to [1][GMC request email].
Yours sincerely
Remi Owolabi (she/her)
Information Access Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Email: [2][email address]
From: Stephen Margrett <[FOI #1183411 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 2:09 PM
To: Remi Owolabi <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Your information request - IR1-4620643127
Dear Remi Owolabi, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding your
failure to respond to my Freedom of Information (FOI) request within the
statutory timeframe of 20 working days. As you are undoubtedly aware,
compliance with this timeframe
Dear Remi Owolabi,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding your failure to respond to my Freedom of Information (FOI) request within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days. As you are undoubtedly aware, compliance with this timeframe is not optional but a legal obligation. Your failure to meet this standard is both disappointing and unacceptable.
As an organisation tasked with regulating the medical profession and upholding standards, the GMC is expected to demonstrate accountability and professionalism. Unfortunately, this delay, coupled with the confusion surrounding my initial request, reflects poorly on your ability to fulfil these fundamental responsibilities. It is particularly troubling that an institution of your stature exhibits such disregard for its obligations.
This situation is not only a breach of your legal duties but also a failure to maintain the trust of those who depend on your organisation to act with integrity. I find this delay indicative of a broader pattern of inefficiency, which undermines confidence in your ability to uphold the standards you promote.
I request that this matter be investigated immediately, and that the requested information be provided without any further delay. Your failure to comply with the statutory requirements must be addressed as a priority. I expect a prompt and comprehensive response, along with an explanation for the delay.
I trust you will treat this matter with the urgency it deserves. Continued failure to respond appropriately will necessitate further action.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Margrett
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