This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Global Health and Social Medicine Averages'.

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Mercy Korash 
By email only to:  
7th October 2022 
Dear Mercy Korsah,   
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) 
Further to your recent request for information held by King’s College London, I am 
writing to confirm that the requested information is held by the university. 
Your request 
We received your information request on 12th September 2022 and have treated it as a 
request for information made under section 1(1) of the Act. 
You requested the following information: 
1.  I would like to request the average grade for all King's Global health and social medicine BSc- 
modules for the last three years (breakdown on a module basis, only level 4-6 modules, in 10% 

2.  In addition, I would like to request the average grade for the BSc Global health and social medicine 
students for the last three years (in 10% percentiles per year). Moreover, I would like to request, 
how many BSc Global health and social medicine students have received each degree classification 
at the point of graduating. 

Our response 
The attached appendix provides details relevant to your request. Please consider the 
notices in red when analysing the data. 
Please note: 
Data based on the students enrolled on: 
▪  BSc in Global Health and Social Medicine (L510) 
▪  BSc in Global Health and Social Medicine with a Year Abroad (L512) 

▪  Marks distribution calculations are based on the ratified results only and does not include records 
with a mark of zero (considering a non-submission), withdrawn and deferred records.  
▪  Module outcomes are based only on the results of students enrolled on the above programmes. Any 
other student who has taken these modules and enrolled on any other course, were not considered. 
▪  "1.Modules" tab provides modules average and percentiles data of level 4 - 6 modules. 
▪  For the "average grade for the BSc Global health and social medicine students’ paragraph, please 
refer to "2. Avrg C-score" tab. 
▪  Tab "3.Grads_Outcomes" provides degree classification data. 
This completes the university’s response to your information request. 
Your right to complain 
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your information 
request or feel that it has not been properly handled you have the right to complain or 
request a review of our decision by contacting the Director of Information Governance & 
Data Protection Officer within 60 days of the date of this letter.   
Further information about our internal complaints procedure is available at the link below:
In the event that you are not content with the outcome of your complaint you may apply 
to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner 
cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the internal complaints procedure 
provided by King’s College London. 
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at the following address: 
The Information Commissioner’s Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 
Yours sincerely, 
Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog 
Information Compliance