Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury St...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury St...
Dear john o'sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury St...
Dear John O'sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury St...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury St...
Dear Mr O'Sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your email.
Information Rights Team
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Stre...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
In evidence to Sir Wyn Williams this week Anne Chambers has explained how in 2004,2011 and at other times she corrected altered or inserted data into...
Dear Chris,
As you have requested a list of 'adopted' roads, I must explain the term
'adoption' as it relates to highways: Highways can only be...
Dear [email address],Thank you for a reply which has raised a few additional questions.The original request was submitted on 18th February 2024.Why did...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Apologies for the slight delay. Please find the response attached relating
to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind rega...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Thank you for your email of Tuesday 16 July.
As you have not requested recorded information, under the Freedom of
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the attached response relating to your Freedom of Information
Information Rights Team
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information
Data Protection and Informatio...
Nick Read confirmed it must be "galling" for SPM to hear the evidence coming out at the Horizon Inquiry and that POL"would not walk past "dealing with...
Dear [email address],Thank you for a reply.Some good will has to exist in the asking of FOI requsts and the replies there to. As you know I aSk questio...
Notwithstanding your use of Proceeds of Crime Act to inflate the sums of money Horizon believed SPM's stole, what was the smallest amount that you pur...
Dear [email address],Thank you for a reply.With regard to requests that are turned down on cost grounds does this mean that POL does not hold the infor...
Dear [email address],Thank you for a reply.Is it current Post Office belief that a Horizon printed balance is of itself evidence of a loss if it is at...
POL CEO Nick Read told a SPM conference in Glasgow that the business is writing off a million a month in not pursuing Losses that Horizon has thrown u...
Please can you conduct an Internal Review of this FOI which has been refused on the grounds it is vexatious.Nick Read said this on 20/04/2022" Pick up...