Did you ask ICL/Fujitsu if Horizon evidence alone would pass the evidential test for prosecution to proceed?Did you ask the MOJ this question?Did you a...
Shaun Turner has told Sir Wyn"specifically with Royal Mail if we did not meet certain levels of performance we were finacially penalised".What were the...
How many former members of staff have been reemployed by Post Office LTD on contracts that will cover the time of their giving evidence to Sir Wyn Will...
In providing documents,coaching and help to POL employees past and serving what risk assessments did you undertake on the effect of their statements on...
In evidence to The Horizon Inquiry on thu 30 November 2023 Jarnail Singh Senior Lawyer claims"As and when the practice certificate came up forrenewal,...
Dear [email address],Thank you for seeking clarification.Does the offer of nil pounds count as an offer?I dont see that this needs an restart on the t...
In the light of evidence presented this morning to the Horizon Inquiry can you reconsider this FOI requestFOI 2022 00545 gareth_jenkins_not_called.Has...
Dear john o'sullivan ,
Please find attached a response from the Department for Business and Trade
to your freedom of information request FOI2024/037...
Dear Information Rights Team,
Thank you for a reply.You appear to be saying that without checking you do not know if you have Appointment Contracts th...
Dear Mr O’Sullivan
Please find attached the response to your Internal Review request, our
reference IR2021/15685.
If you have any quer...
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee
Oral evidence: Post Office Mediation, HC 935
Tuesday 3 February 2015
Ordered by the House of Commons to...
Dear Josef Al-Daghir,
Re: Freedom of Information Request MIBULV5YP.
I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request for the
In the light of the following quote "Mr Greenhow also points out that 44% of those charged and prosecuted between 1999 and 2015 were “outside the scope...
Dear Martina,
Please see attached response.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 | Environmental Information Regulations
Please can you say how many POL employees who provided evidence in the Common Issues Trial still work for you.If any have left can you supply their dep...
Dear Brent Jay,
Unfortunately, when providing the response to your information request, we
attached the incorrect documents, which included personal...
Your reference number: FOI-827-22/23
The Council has now been able to complete your request with the above
reference number. The re...
Reference number: FOI2015/00887
Dear Mr Pollock
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
If you have any queries pl...
Dear John O'Sullivan,
Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information
Andy Jennings
Information Ri...
Dear Mr Howarth,
We are writing in response to your request for information, received 22
Yours sincerely,
HMRC Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Elliott,
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
Yours sincerely
Air Director Resourc...
Fictional names get no reply,Fictional Claims-Horizon is robust,SPM pay is up year on year,I didnt try to resign,POL deny delaying disclosure to Sir Wy...
,In evidence to the Horizon Inquiry yesterday Nick Read stated POL had no desire to be involved in SPM Compensation and had communicated this desire to...
Dear BEIS Correspondence,Thank you for a reply.You seem to be saying at the same time you agree with Justice Fraser's findings about the NFSP but that...
In August 2022 I asked BEIS if they were satisfied that the discredited NFSP could fairly represent SPM when negotiating with Post Office.".You seem to...