GERS - Is the Scottish Government obliged to publish GERS each year?
Dear Scottish Government,
Is the Scottish Government obliged to produce GERS each year?
If Yes, by whom?
If No, Why (other than showing Scotland's finances in a bad light)?
How much or what % is compiled independently of UK central government?
Do the same statisticians who produce GERS also provide independent statistics to the Scottish Fiscal Commission?
Yours faithfully,
Richard Murphy
FOISA Acknowledgment of request
Dear Richard Murphy
Thank you for your request dated 8 November 2018 under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) for:
1 Is the Scottish Government obliged to produce GERS each year?
2 If Yes, by whom?
3 If No, Why (other than showing Scotland's finances in a bad light)?
4 How much or what % is compiled independently of UK central government?
5 Do the same statisticians who produce GERS also provide independent
statistics to the Scottish Fiscal Commission?
We received your request on 8 November 2018 and will respond in accordance
with FOISA by 7 December 2018.
If you have any queries, please contact me quoting case number
Yours sincerely,
Iain Pearce
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
St Andrews House
Visible links
Dear Richard Murphy,
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely,
Iain Pearce
Economic Analysis and Modelling
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
St Andrews House
Visible links
Dear Scottish Government,
I requested
1 "Is the Scottish Government obliged to produce GERS each year?"
I don't see a clear answer Yes/No
Would you prefer I submit another FOI request asking for example 'Is there an obligation to publish GERS figures each year?"
Yours faithfully,
Richard Murphy
Reference: FOI/18/03301
Dear Richard Murphy,
Thank you for your further request. To be clear, the Scottish Government
is not under any legal obligation to publish Government Expenditure &
Revenue Scotland (GERS), or indeed any of its economic statistics. As set
out in the previous response, these are produced in order to meet
identified user needs.
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Iain Pearce
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
St Andrews House
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Neil Lovatt left an annotation ()
It’s quite clear from their reply that they are not obliged to, it’s an at discretion report from the Scottish Government. If it was compulsory there would need to be legislation to mandate the spending and there is none.