Requests similar to 'GERS 2020 - incorrect tobacco revenues! - when will GERS 2020 be corrected and republished?'

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Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
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ONS FOI request answered Defence contributed £50bn to UK GDP 2018! How much...
GERS 2020 Table 4.8!
Response by Scottish Government to Manfred Stobartson on .


Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
You claim UK Government spent £18 billion on Social protection in Scotland GERS - 2018-19 table 3.8
According to an FOI you answered below: Was the £45 billion spent 'real money / cash' or is £5 billion of this expenditure 'accounting adjustments' t...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Dear Manfred Stobartson,   Thank you for your further email. Please note that I have treated this as a request for clarification, and not a reques...
Oliver Le Mesurier, Deficit
Request sent to Scottish Government by Manfred Stobartson on .


I note a lame excuse not to respond to this FOI request. To myself it's clear the pers...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
I have accepted and assumed GERS figures as being truthful and well researched! However public information from the Scottish Governments 'Cabinet Sec...
Scottish economic statistics January 2021?
Response by Scottish Enterprise to Manfred Stobartson on .

Awaiting classification

Good Afternoon,   Please find the attached response to your recent FOI request.   Kind regards, Andrew Smith     Andrew Smith Corpora...
Defence contribution to Scottish GDP!
Response by Scottish Government to Manfred Stobartson on .

Information not held

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Regarding your quoted figures below! What was the % increase contribution towards Scotland's GDP from 1 Scotland's public Sector 2 UK Government...
England's local government 2018 contributed £144bn towards England's GDP (of which £63bn compensation of employees)? ESA table11 https://www.ons.go...
Export Statistics 2018
Request sent to Scottish Government by Manfred Stobartson on .

Awaiting classification

Are the values you claim for exports to rest of UK including UK VAT and other UK taxes?
FOI Request regarding: "Questions concerning the NHS bonus scheme funding and UK funding: FOI release"
In the last 52 weeks: 1 in every 87 of Scotland's population died, but only 1 in 89 of Wales 1 in 102 of England 1 in 113 of N Ireland Is there...
Minimum pricing of Alcohol
Response by Scottish Government to Marie Watson on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Data about fiscal transfers to Scotland
Response by Scottish Government to Edward Witney on .

Information not held

FOI/18/03746   Dear Edward Witney,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.   Yours sincerely,   Iain...
Dear Sir/Madam, Sorry for the delay in processing your FOI request. Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your...
A In how many UK Government owned / rented properties (excluding UK) worldwide has the Scottish Government & other Scottish Government funded / financ...
Are you intending also taking full control & financial responsibility for current expenditure covered by Westminster's Department of Transport regardin...
QNAS May 5 2021 Table J - What are the values for all items excluding revenue accounting adjustments? I note a previous FOI request and answer given:...