GERS 2018-19, £63bn revenues, £45bn spent by Scottish government, Scottish local government, Scottish public bodies, £18bn remaining unaccounted for?
Dear Scottish Government,
Thank you for providing clear and precise information regarding source of £45bn expenditure financing:
I note a sum of £18bn difference between the £63bn revenue raised in Scotland and the £45bn expenditure above!
Please provide total sum of:
Scottish revenue NOT sent to or collected by UK central government?
Scottish revenue sent to/collected by UK central government?
Scottish revenue returned to Scottish government, Scottish local government, Scottish public corporations by UK central government?
Scottish revenue retained by UK central government?
Yours faithfully,
Manfred Stobartson
Our Reference: 202000015707
Your Reference: Manfred Stobartson
Dear Manfred Stobartson,
Thank you for your correspondence received on 07/02/2020. Your query will
be passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a
reference number of 202000015707. Please quote this number in all
correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary,
as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our
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Please find attached a response to your correspondence.
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Dear Scottish Government,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Scottish Government's handling of my FOI request 'GERS 2018-19, £63bn revenues, £45bn spent by Scottish government, Scottish local government, Scottish public bodies, £18bn remaining unaccounted for?'.
Failure to answer in detail and with accurate calculations my FIO request, for example:
"Scottish revenue returned to Scottish government, Scottish local government, Scottish public corporations by UK central government?
Scottish revenue retained by UK central government?"
The sum calculated in the Scottish Government reply fail to add up?
£50,184m = Scottish revenue collected by UK reserved central government (includes non-savings non-dividend income tax)
£11,486m = non-savings non-dividend income tax was returned to the Scottish Government
leaves a difference of
£40,128m = Scotland revenue retained by UK reserved and central government. (as alleged in this FOI reply)
I also understand that £25,897m is returned to Scottish Government via the Block Grant (happy to be corrected).
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Manfred Stobartson
Our Reference: 202000022124
Dear Manfred Stobartson,
Thank you for your correspondence sent on 20/03/2020. Your query will be
passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a
reference number of 202000022124. Please quote this number in all
correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary,
as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our
Yours sincerely
Correspondence system for SG and partner agencies
The Scottish Government takes your privacy seriously. You may have written
to us because you have a question or want to make a complaint. Our privacy
available on our website, sets out how we use your personal data, and your
rights when communicating with us. It is made under Article 13 of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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Manfred Stobartson left an annotation ()
I note that my FOI request in the main has been answered by a SNP press release
"The figures show Scotland’s revenue is enough to cover all devolved spending as well as all spending on pensions and other social protection."
supporting evidence for above statement located in the following
table 1.1 Income
cell b35 = £62,708m
table 3.8 Expenditure
cell v25 = £44,717m (Scottish Government, LAs and Public Corporations)
cell aq22 = £18,022m (Social protection, Other UK Government)
cells aq5 to aq24 (minus aq22) expenditure excluded from the SNP press release.
£63bn income (minus) £63bn expenditure , as per the SNP press release!
One would expect a straightforward non-political answer from The Scottish Government , not the SNP party website .
Please consider this update to my request when concluding this review!