General FOI

The request was successful.

Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council,

1. Does the council own any land that featured in the 2017 GMSF consutation list of proposed sites?
2. Please can you provide council tax revenues for 2016/7/8/9 and breakdown per bands plus how many households are eligible for single person or pension credit discounts and how many household receive council tax benefit.
3. Please can you confirm the current status of a Local Plan implementation and if this has been ratified.
4. Please can you confirm if the council has a landsale policy and if there is a policy for small areas of land less than 4 hectares.
5. Please can you provide information on the 2016/2017/2018 SHELA analysis.
6. Please can you provide an update on the brownfield register and a link to it.
7. Please can you confirm the annual building yield figures for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
8. Please can you provide a definition of what is “ affordable housing”
9. Please can you confirm how many social housing houses /flats were built in the last 5 years.
10. How many people have visit the planning pages of your website and can I have access to the website traffic figures.
11. Please can you confirm the current planned housing figures you are working towards and the current OEAN figures that you are using in any calculations?
12. How oversubscribed are local schools and how many children were included in our local provision from out of the area from the years 2015.2016,2017,2018?. How many achieved their choice of school and how many children have to travel further than 8 miles to school.
13. Please can you confirm what air quality data and flood plans you hold as a council and a link to them on your website?
14. Please can you confirm what traffic data is held by council?
15. Are there any greenflag woodlands in your area?
16. Do you as a council own any heritage mills?
17. Please can you provide for 2015,2016,2017, 2018 the revenue generated from developer levies and S106 payments
18. Can you confirm as of the end of 2018 how much of the land within your council area is open space and how much is countryside?
19. Please can you provide the unemployment statistics for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018?

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

charlotte castro

Stephen glynn left an annotation ()

you might want to break that down into a few seperate FOI requests. they will probably come back with that is going to cost more than the maximum cost they have to provide info for.

Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Charlotte Castro

We acknowledge with thanks your request for information held by Bolton
Council received at this office on 28 December 2018.

This request will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and may take up to 20 working days to be processed (although we will
endeavour to provide the information as quickly as possible).

Please be advised that if an exemption applies to the information that you
have requested, the statutory period may be exceeded in accordance with
the provisions of the act.

Please retain the reference number RFI 002247 for any future enquiries
regarding this matter.

Many thanks

 The Information Governance Team

1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU




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Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

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Dear Charlotte Castro
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
In response to your request for information received at this office on 28
December 2018, please see the Council’s response below.
You requested

 1. Does the council own any land that featured in the 2017 GMSF
consultation list of proposed sites?

Yes.  Although it should be noted that the 2017 GMSF has been superseded
by the current 2019 consultation version of the GMSF.  This no longer
allocates any housing sites in Bolton, so the land currently owned by the
council in proposed employment allocations is limited to a very small area
of the proposed Wingates employment allocation.

 2. Please can you provide council tax revenues for 2016/7/8/9 and
breakdown per bands plus how many households are eligible for single
person or pension credit discounts and how many household receive
council tax benefit.

Please see attached document.
3.      Please can you confirm the current status of a Local Plan
implementation and if this has been ratified.
Details of the current status of Local Plans in Bolton can be found on the
council’s website at:
4.      Please can you confirm if the council has a landsale policy and if
there is a policy for small areas of land less than 4 hectares.
A Council Disposals Policy is currently being prepared.  It is not
intended that small sites will treated any differently to the larger sites
in Council ownership.
5.      Please can you provide information on the 2016/2017/2018 SHELA
Updates on housing and employment land can be found on the council’s
website at:
6.      Please can you provide an update on the brownfield register and a
link to it
The most recent brownfield register can be found on the council’s website
7.      Please can you confirm the annual building yield figures for 2015,
2016, 2017, 2018
Net Housing Completions as set out in the Authority Monitoring report are
set out below for the financial years:

2014/15 469
2015/16 513
2016/17 428
2017/19 483

8.      Please can you provide a definition of what is “ affordable
Bolton’s planning documents are based on the definition set out in
national planning policy at the time of their preparation.  The council’s
supplementary planning document on Affordable Housing contains the
definition at the time of its preparation.  This can be found on the
council’s website at:
Since that time the revised National Planning Policy Framework July 2018
has revised the national definition of affordable to widen it.
9.      Please can you confirm how many social housing houses /flats were
built in the last 5 years
In the last 5 financial years to April 2018 a total of around 464 new
social/affordable dwellings have been completed.  (Source published AMRs).
10.     How many people have visit the planning pages of your website and
can I have access to the website traffic figures
Unfortunately before we are able to answer this part of your request we
require you to provide a timescale. 
11.     Please can you confirm the current planned housing figures you are
working towards and the current OEAN figures that you are using in any
Adopted Core Strategy set a target figure of 694 dwellings per year
between 2008-2026.   However this plan will be superseded in due course by
the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, the draft version of which has
been produced for consultation in 2019.  This draft plan contains the
following targets with an overall target for Bolton of 726 pa 2018-2037
with phasing set out below with lower figures for the first 5 years.
For this year’s AMR the 5 year housing requirement Bolton has used the OAN
derived from the government’s standard methodology which is currently 791
12.     How oversubscribed are local schools and how many children were
included in our local provision from out of the area from the years
2015.2016,2017,2018?. How many achieved their choice of school and how
many children have to travel further than 8   miles to school
We don’t hold records of the oversubscription of each school but these can
be accessed for 2018 admissions in the 2019 admission handbook which is
currently on BC website via these links
We don’t hold records for numbers of  children admitted at the normal
admission dates for those resident out of Bolton Borough.
For admission outcomes in previous years our records show as follows
Primary admissions

Total No of applications 3913
1^st 3425 87.53%
2^nd 275 7.03%
3rd 86 2.20%
No Pref 127 3.24%


Total apps received 3934
1^st pref offers 3430 87%
2^nd  pref offers 245 6%
3^rd pref offers 69 2%
No pref offers 190 5%


Total apps received 4180
1^st pref offers 3573 85.48%
2^nd  pref offers 269 6.44%
3^rd pref offers 133 3.18%
No pref offers 205 4.9%


Total apps received 3773
1^st pref offers 3346 88.68%
2^nd  pref offers 256 6.79%
3^rd pref offers 57 1.51%
No pref offers 114 3.02%

Secondary admissions

Total apps received
1^st pref offers 3773
2^nd/3rd pref offers* 577
*The report for 2018 only records a
combined figure
No pref offers 233


Total apps received
1^st pref offers 3107
2^nd  pref offers 339
3^rd pref offers 138
No pref offers 224


Total apps received
1^st pref offers 2993
2^nd  pref offers 331
3^rd pref offers 122
No pref offers 192


Total apps received
1^st pref offers 2973
2^nd  pref offers 288
3^rd pref offers 87
No pref offers 188

13.     Please can you confirm what air quality data and flood plans you
hold as a council and a link to them on your website?
Bolton Council hold diffusion tube monitoring data, this is not on our
website however but can be found on
Flood plans information is held by the Environment Agency. Details of
plans can be found on their website:
14.     Please can you confirm what traffic data is held by council?
The Local Authority has access to the historical information from
Transport for Greater Manchester under the GMAPS system which includes
traffic flow/speed/vehicle classification/junction flow/turn data.
The Local Authority would also have access to Transport Assessments
associated with some Developments.
15.     Are there any greenflag woodlands in your area? NO
16.     Do you as a council own any heritage mills? NO
17.     Please can you provide for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 the revenue
generated from developer levies and S106 payments
Receipts in years:
2015    £629,429
2016    £560,653
2017    £190,560
2018    £858,423
18.     Can you confirm as of the end of 2018 how much of the land within
your council area is open space and how much is countryside?
In planning terms the borough consists of urban area, then anything
outside this is Green Belt and Other Protected Open Land.  As a simple
proxy the countryside therefore is Green Belt and Protected Open Land.  In
total countryside as shown in the table below is 7980 hectares or 57% of
the land area of the borough.
It is worth noting that there is built development within the Green Belt
and Protected Open Land and conversely significant open areas within the
urban area for example major parks.

Total area of borough 13,977 ha 100%
Total area of Green Belt 7226 ha 52%
Total area of Protected Open Land 754 ha 5%
Urban area 5997 ha 43%

The most recent Open Space Assessment dates from 2007.  This provides
figures for a variety of recreational uses for example parks, informal
greenspace and playing pitches.  This can be found on the council’s
website at:
A 2014 Playing Pitch Strategy provides more information on playing pitches
is also available on this page.
19.     Please can you provide the unemployment statistics for 2015, 2016,
2017, 2018?
Unemployment statistics are not produced or published by the council.  The
source for all published statistics is [10] where
unemployment figures can be downloaded for free for all areas including
Bolton using the search tools found at [11]
As per the Information Commissioners Office’s Freedom of Information Code
of Practice, should you disagree with our decision, you may appeal within
40 working days of this email to:
The Borough Solicitor, Bolton Council, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
Email:  [12][email address]
Should you further disagree with the decision following the appeal you may
wish to contact the Information Commissioner:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545700, Fax: 01625 524510
Should you have any queries, please contact
[14][email address]
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team
This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and may also be
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If you are not the addressee please e-mail it back to the sender and then
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This footnote also confirms that this e-mail message has been swept for
the presence of computer viruses currently known to Bolton Council.
However, the recipient is responsible for virus-checking before opening
this message and any attachment.

Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any views expressed in this
message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect
the views of Bolton Council.


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