Dear Mike,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0266
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
See attached.
I hope that the infor...
Dear Roger,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0252
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please find enclosed information as requ...
Dear T Roberts,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0442
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information p...
Dear Nicola,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0565
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information prov...
Dear Carol,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0577
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information provi...
Dear PJ Balinger,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0780
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope...
Dear Mr Stephens,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0618
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope...
Dear Rebecca,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0717
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information pro...
Dear Liam,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0657
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information provid...
Dear Liam,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0689
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that th...
Dear Francesca,
Re: FOI Request ref: F23/0099
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
There aren’t any.
Request for Information Please c...
Dear Simon,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0013
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
1) Do you have on-premise Microsoft Exchange...
Dear Zoe,
Re: FOI Request ref: F23/0183
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
- Has the trust utilis...
Dear Annie,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0264
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
There have been no off framework locums used.
Total sp...
Dear Sebastian,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0545
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see link below:
Dear Will,
Re: FOI Request ref: F23/0041
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
See attached.
The Trust has received the following Free...
Dear Frances,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0091
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
SWB do not provide histopathology services, this is p...
Dear Alicia,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0474
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information prov...
Dear Chloe,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0395
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information provi...
Dear Liam,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0657
Please see attached sent to you on 19.02.2024.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
[Sandwell and We...
Dear Fay,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0107
I write further to your Freedom of Information request.
Unfortunately due to staffing changes within the Tru...
Dear Steven,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0591
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
• Do you currently use ORMIS as your...
Dear Carol,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0029
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Your request will now be considered in accordance with...
Dear Ella,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0034
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Your request will now be considered in accordance with t...
Dear Gregory,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0060
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Your request will now be considered in accordance wit...