Gender Identity- CAMHS
Dear The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust,
Please can you tell me
1. what if any training in gender identity, your CAMHS staff and practitioners have received in the last 4 years,
2. who provided the training ( organisation)
3. Please confirm if you possess training resources supplied by the trainers.
4. If you do possess the training please confirm if it is stored in a location accessible to all clinical staff e.g a shared drive or common training resource.
5. How much any training cost
Yours faithfully,
Vivian Price
Dear Vivian,
Thank you for your request for information.
We have allocated reference number 220523-5 to your Request which we confirm we are now processing.
We expect to respond to you within 20 working days.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Co-ordinators | The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Good afternoon Vivian,
Please see the attached final response in relation to 220523-05.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Co-ordinators | The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
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