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Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
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Data Protection Impact
Assessment – Screening
Copyright ©2017 Health and Social Care Information Centre
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The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also know n as NHS Digital.
Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
v V1.0 Final 04/12/2017
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The controlled copy of this document is maintained in the NHS Digital corporate network.
Any copies of this document held outside of that area, in whatever format (e.g. paper, email
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Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
v V1.0 Final 04/12/2017
About this Document
This document is a ‘Screening Questionnaire’ to decide if a full data Protection Impact
Assessment (DPIA) is necessary. It has been produced by NHS Digital in line with:
• UK Data Protection Bill (14 Sep 17)
• General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)
• Working Party 29 guidelines determining whether processing is “likely to result in a
high risk” for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679, wp248rev.01
Templates will be updated when Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance
reflecting the new legislation is issued (Post May 2018).
Supplementary guidance issued by the ICO can be found here:
The full DPIA template and accompanying Guidance Notes can be found here;
How to Use This Document
A DPIA is not required to be carried out for every processing operation which may result in
risks for the rights and freedoms of natural persons. A DPIA is only mandatory where
processing is
“likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals”.
In cases where it is not clear whether a DPIA is required one is to be carried out regardless.
It is a useful tool. To help NHS Digital comply with data protection law.
To understand if you will be processing personal data and special categories of personal
data under GDPR, complete the data items table below.
Data Items
Information relating to the individual]
Personal Data
Marital Status
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Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
v V1.0 Final 04/12/2017
Living Habits
Professional Training / Awards
Income / Financial / Tax Situation
Email Address
Physical Description
General Identifier e.g. NHS No
Home Phone Number
Online Identifier e.g. IP Address / Event Logs
Website Cookies
Mobile Phone Number / Device Number
Device IMEI No
Location Data (Travel / GPS / GSM Data)
Device MAC Address (Wireless Network Interface)
Special categories of Personal Data
Physical / Mental Health or Condition
Sexual Life / Orientation
Family / Lifestyle / Social Circumstance
Offences Committed / Alleged to have Committed
Criminal Proceedings / Outcomes / Sentence
Education / Professional Training
Employment / Career History
Financial Affairs
Religion or Other Beliefs
Trade Union membership
Racial / Ethnic Origin
Biometric Data (Fingerprints / Facial Recognition)
Genetic Data
If the answer to any of the data items is “Yes” then personal data is being processed and the
following nine questions need to be answered.
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Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
v V1.0 Final 04/12/2017
If all the answers are “No” then you do not need to answer the nine questions and the DPIA
screening questionnaire is complete.
If personal data is being processed, use the questionnaire below to determine whether a full
DPIA is necessary.
Should the answer to any screening question be “Yes” but the IAO believes the processing
not to be “likely to result in a high risk” NHS Digital must justify and document the reasons for
not carrying out a DPIA and include/record views of the Data Protection Officer.
Not Necessary. If “N/A” then a full DPIA may not be necessary but the completed
questionnaire itself is evidence that the processing was properly considered.
Yes N/A
Unsure (Explain)
Does the proposal involve any evaluation or scoring including profiling &
predicting using information about a person?
Does the proposal involve any automated decision making which has a
legal or similar legal effect e.g. whether to employ an individual, grant
them a loan or offer medical insurance?
Does the proposal involve any systematic monitoring: processing used to
observe, monitor or control individuals, including data collected through
networks e.g. employees’ activities, including the monitoring of the
employees’ work station, internet activity; monitoring of wellness, fitness
and health data via wearable devices; closed circuit television; connected
devices e.g. smart meters, smart cars, home automation; includes
internet tracking and profiling for behavioural advertisement?
Does the proposal involve any sensitive information or information of a
highly personal nature e.g. health?
Does the proposal involve data processed on a large scale? Large scale is
not defined but should consider:
A) The number of data subjects, either as a specific number or as a
proportion of the relevant population.
B) The volume of data and/or the range of different data items processed.
C) The duration, or performance of the data processing activity.
D) The geographical extent of the processing activity.
Processing of patient data in the regular course of business by a hospital
would be classed as “large scale” while processing of patient data by an
individual physician would not.
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Data Protection Impact Assessment – Screening Questionnaire
v V1.0 Final 04/12/2017
Does the proposal involve any matching or combining of datasets? i.e.
matching two or more data processing operations performed for different
purposes in a way that would exceed the reasonable expectations of an
Does the proposal involve any data concerning vulnerable individuals who
may be unable to easily consent or oppose the processing, or exercise
their rights?
This group may include children, employees, mentally il persons, asylum
seekers, or the elderly, patients and cases where an imbalance in the
relationship between the position of the individual and the control er
(NHS Digital) can be identified.
Does the proposal involve any innovative use or applying new
technological or organisational solutions e.g. combining use of finger print
and face recognition for improved physical access control?
Does the proposal involve any processing which in itself ‘prevents data
subjects from exercising a right or using a service or contract’ e.g.
determining eligibility based on an individual’s circumstances?
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