GCSE grades requirement for undergraduate

The request was successful.

Dear Imperial College London,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding GCSE grades at Imperial College.

Specifically, I would like to request the following information:

I would like to know for the 2022 and 2023 Economics, Finance, Computer Science and Computer Engineering undergraduate degrees offer made data for below fields

1) What is overall GCSE profile of students receiving offers
2) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Language grade 5.
3) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Language grade 6.
4) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Language grade 7
5) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Language grade 8.
6) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Language grade 9.
7) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Literature grade 5.
8) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Literature grade 6.
9) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Literature grade 7
10) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Literature grade 8.
11) The number of applicants receiving offers with GCSE English Literature grade 9.

Yours faithfully,


IMPFOI, Imperial College London

Dear Tapti Tiwari,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request.

The undergraduate entry requirements and offers made are based on applicants' A Level (or international equivalent) grades. GCSE grades and subjects are only relevant where they are used to demonstrate that applicants meet our English language requirement (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/apply/e...), in which case the minimum score we accept in English Language is Grade 6. Otherwise, we do not retain details of or report on the GCSE subjects studied or grades achieved by candidates.

Imperial College publishes undergraduate admissions statistics for the past 5 completed admissions cycles. We intend to publish admissions information for the Economics, Finance and Data Science programme in line with the published undergraduate admissions information about other programmes early in 2024. These include:  

Number of applicants, offers and places confirmed 

Average BMAT Scores 

Details of A level, IB and STEP Offers Made 

New Entrants' Achieved A level and IB Grades 

Admissions Rate by Nationality 

Number of applicants, offers and places confirmed by gender

Number of interviews conducted

The published information can be accessed at the transparency pages of our website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/ug/apply... (scroll to the bottom of the page to the link “Download the Undergraduate Admission Statistics”). 

Information that is intended for future publication is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act by virtue of Section 22 of the Act. 


Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London 

Please note that if you are unhappy with the way that we have handled your request, you can ask us to conduct a review. Please make your representation in writing within 2 months of the date you received this response. If you remain dissatisfied with how Imperial College has handled your request, you may then approach the Information Commissioner’s Office.   

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Thank you.

If a student has not achieved 6 in English Language then could she considers doing IELTS /other approved English exam. Would that be an acceptable or her GCSE scores will still be seen as last English scores and her application will be filtered out from UCAS list to Imperial.

Yours sincerely,

Trapti Tiwari

IMPFOI, Imperial College London

Dear Trapti Tiwari,

The English language requirement information that we have already referred you to says the following:

Here are all of the English language tests and qualifications that we accept for entry to undergraduate and postgraduate study. You only need to meet the relevant standard in one of the following.

Please note that this is the address for submitting Freedom of Information Act requests. Admissions queries should be addressed to the relevant contact address: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/apply/c...


Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London 

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