Gas and Electricity contracts

The request was successful.

Dear Lion Academy Trust,

Please could you send me the following details

1) Gas supplier, Electricity Supplier
2) Contract end dates for Gas and Electricity
3) annual consumption and spends that is used.
4) tendering information and broker used if any.
5) names and telephone numbers for person / people who make the energy contract decisions

Yours faithfully,

Neil Brand

Yours faithfully,

neil brand

Bryan Hunt, Lion Academy Trust

1 Attachment

Hi Neil,
Please find attached the information as per your request.
Points 1-3 See attachment provided by Zenergi
4. Zenergi is the account manager
5. A contact person going forward will be Bryan Hunt  020 8539 6777 ext
Please contact me to discuss any queries.
Kind regards
Bryan Hunt
Finance Director
Lion Academy Trust

From: neil brand <[1][FOI #448831 email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Gas and Electricity contracts
Date: 27 November 2017 at 12:15:04 GMT
To: FOI requests at Lion Academy Trust <[2][Lion Academy Trust request email]>
Dear Lion Academy Trust,

Please could you send me the following details

1)  Gas supplier,  Electricity Supplier
2) Contract end dates for Gas and Electricity
3) annual consumption and spends that is used.
4) tendering information and broker used if any. 
5) names and telephone numbers for person / people who make the energy
contract decisions 

Yours faithfully,

Neil Brand

Yours faithfully,

neil brand

Lion Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in
England and Wales (Company number 08171341). 

Registered Office: Lion Academy Trust, 155 Canterbury Road, Canterbury
Road, Leyton, London. E10 6EJ. 


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1. mailto:[FOI #448831 email]
2. mailto:[Lion Academy Trust request email]